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CONTENT WARNING; mentions of drugs(mainly nicotine)

Life is changing. Changing too fast than we'd really all like it too. Its impressive how much a simple conversation can even change your life. Whether it's left you very hurt or let you be a better person, it's really up to you what you can let the conversation do to you. Sure time heals all wounds, right? But most wounds aren't physical and will always come back to bite you in the ass.

At least to Jaemin, thats what a very specific conversation does to him. Bites him in the ass whenever he's doing good. Whenever he thinks he's over him. Jaemin certainly thinks hes repressed it, but nope. He thinks about it almost everyday. Specifically a certain sentence, but the whole conversation is always in the back of his mind.

He remembers it so clearly, like it was yesterday. Jaemin and his ex are sitting on his driveway. Jaemin with his knees to his chest, head down, and his ex, sitting crisscross and looking at the older.

Jaemin's mind is racing as the other talks. Not even really paying attention since the boy had said "We need to breakup." How could he? The presumed love of his life just told him that they need to break up. Jaemin is holding back his tears, not wanting to look weak.

The boy goes on, and on, about how this isn't how he imagined the relationship, and that they both knew it was going to end at some point. Jaemin laughs in his head. He wants to speak, but can't find the right pause for him to even start.

Its only til the other asks Jaemin to say something, what his thoughts are. And all Jaemin can say is to ask him to leave.

Now, obviously he should talk about it, but again, the literal love of his life just brokeup with him. He couldn't form any other words besides telling him to leave.


Jaemin sighs as he replays the events in his head. His phone playing soft music that his ex had showed him. Jaemin hadn't even checked his phone since it all happened. He had put it on Do Not Disturb as to distract himself from anything that would have him spiral.

Jaemin looked down at his phone that was next to him. He tapped the screen to display the time. It was 8am. Jaemin groaned, and decided to get up from his spot on his bed. He had school.

He went into the bathroom, not bothering to bring his phone with him. He turned on the water to start a shower, and brushed his teeth while he waited for the water to get warm.

After showering for about 20ish minutes, he finally got out and dried himself. he picked up the clothes he had brought with him and changed into them.

Jaemin exited the bathroom and went right back into his room to style his hair, grab his phone, keys, wallet, and backpack, and then proceeded to put on his shoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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