Chapter 10

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Zee keeps on tossing and turning in his king size bed. The scene in the City Hall's Garden keeps on playing and playing on his mind all day and all night.

It's been months already since that incident happen but for him, it feels like it occurs only yesterday.
The teasings and humiliations he received from other people because of Nunew's public rejection means nothing to Zee. What keeps on bothering him the most was the look in Nunew's beautiful expressive eyes. The window of his beloved soul reveals nothing but pain. The pain that Zee have caused himself.

Sometimes the one you love the most is the one that you hurt the most. Oh the irony of life!

How stupid he is to think that Nunew will simply forgive him just like that? That a single sorry will compensate for what he did thirteen years ago? That offering Nunew marriage will prove that he never really believe the rumors and was really sincere with his feelings? If there is one things that the mayor is not good at, it would probably be how to express his true feelings.

All his life, people wants to be friends with him without him doing anything. Girls throw themselves at him. If he gets tired being in a relationship, he'll just say sorry and then it's over. Everything was easy. No emotions involve.

Then Nunew happens, he had no idea what to do.

But one thing he is sure. He will never give up on Nunew. He will make him, his. And if his sorry, flowers and letter weren't enough, he will spend the rest of his life making up with Nunew. He wants to spend his life with him. He will make him happy, have their own family and make those beautiful expressive eyes sparks again.

He sighed. He stood up and leave his bedroom heading to the kitchen. He can't sleep. Maybe a glass of milk would help.

Once in the kitchen, he dash towards the refrigerator and grab a carton of milk. He just open the seal and drink straight from the carton.

"Can't sleep?" Zee almost choke, startled when he hears that voice.

"Dad? Why are you still up at this hour?" He ask his father.

"Nothing. Just came down for a glass of water." Pirapat Panich sat in the chair near the Kitchen counter while Zee get a glass of water for his Dad.

"Zee, you can always confide to your old man you know. Something's bothering you?"

Zee place the glass of water in the counter in front of his Dad. "Nunew. I don't know what to do with him anymore. I've been sending him flowers and letters to apologize for what I did to him. But never did he once call me. I'm sure he still hates me." Zee sigh deeply.

He visit Bangkok too just to see Nunew, only backing out everytime he'll see Nunew. He just don't know what to do in front of him. He also stop sending him flowers a month ago when he saw Nunew even get more sadder receiving those from him. Now he's really frustrated. He doesn't know what to do. There are times that kidnapping the beauty have crossed his already crazy mind.

Pirapat hold the glass and drink the water in one go. "That beauty is just like his father. I think it runs in the family. Once their pride is hurt, they'll never talk to you again. See his Pa and I were bestfriends."

Zee sat beside his Dad. "We've been asking you both what happened before. Why aren't you guys talking anymore?"

"It started way back before Zee. You know just like you and your Princess, we are Chiangrai troublemakers. Me and Ananda, we are inseparable. One day after school, we notice Mrs. Kang was on her way to the stock room. We got suspicious since teachers aren't suppose to go there. We followed her. I was the look out so when someone will come I can immediately tell Ananda. Ananda is the one who follow her inside. Just after a few minutes, Ananda hurriedly dash towards me and informed me what he saw. He said that he saw Mrs. Kang naked and making out with the school janitor." Pirapat can't help but laugh with the memory.

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