Chapter 1

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It was a cold fall day, and Inez had just dropped Junior off at preschool. Today was the beginning of flu season. Inez groaned alot this time of year. What usually happened was Matt wouldn't get a flu shot, since he conscidered himself immune. Then he would catch the flu and not say anything, because then Inez would have to baby him for 10 days. Then Junior would get it from either his dad, or a kid at school. This year she also had the 1 year old twins to worry about because infants can't handle things like the flu as well. Luckily they were having their shots today.

" ok, this should be an easy one boys" smiled Inez. Ernest and Leroy weren't paying much attention to their mother. They were more focused on a spider on the seat between them. It didn't last long. Leroy had decided the spider was boring, so he picked up a picture book and the spider was no more. Ernest was curious what a splatted spider felt like, so he ran a finger through it. Unfortunately, he also thought a splatted spider might be food.

Inez rolled her eyes as Ernest made a disgusted face. Leroy thought Ernest's expression was funny and started laughing. They pulled into the parking lot and went inside. Inez was surprised when only 1 of the boys cried.  On her way home, she got a phone call from the preschool. Once she got off the phone she started the car. " ok, we  need to pick up your brother, he just threw up on some carpet" explained Inez.

Inez pulled into the parking lot of the preschool, and went in. " wow, you got here fast" said the teacher. " i was driving home from a doctor's appointment for his brothers" replied Inez. " well, then i'll fill you in quickly, so you can get everybody home" smiled the teacher. " that would help. So, what exactly happened?" Asked Inez. " he was fine until 15 minutes ago. He complained of an upset stomach, then he threw up as he was running for a garbage can or the bathroom. He also has a medium grade fever and can't hold much down" replied the teacher.

" hmm, it IS flu season, and i haven't gotten his flu shot scheduled. I wonder if he has that right now" said Inez. " well, i'll turn him over to you then" replied the teacher. " thanks for taking care of him until i got here" smiled Inez.  " no problem, i just had him take the garbage can with him until you got here" smiled the teacher.

After a minute, Inez walked into the nurse's office. " i hear a certian 4 year old has an upset tummy" smiled Inez. " mommy, even water tastes bad" whined Junior. " well, we'll go home and take care of it" smiled Inez.  Junior smiled and hugged his mother.

At home 15 minutes later:
" mommy, i don't feel good" whined Junior. " know, but we need to see what your body temperture is. After that, we'll make sure you're nice and comfy" smiled a sympathetic Inez. " mommy, i can't hold down food" said Junior. " i know your tummy hurts, but i have medicine to help your tummy" smiled Inez.

Junior sat still while the thermometer did it's job. 20 seconds later it beeped. " ok, let's see... 103°. Yup, you're not going anywhere for awhile" said Inez. " am i going to be okay?" Asked Junior. " you'll be fine in a week. Now let's get your pjs on" replied Inez. Inez picked up Junior and helped him with his pjs. " mommy, does the medicine taste yucky?" Asked Junior.  " well, it tastes like... helping" replied Inez. " that means it tastes yucky" frowned Junior.

" yeah, i have to fight with your father every time he needs to take this stuff to" laughed Inez. Junior also put up a fight when taking his medicine. " but it tastes yucky!" Complained Junior. " i know, but it's only a little bit, and you'll feel better faster" replied Inez. Junior allowed his mother to put the spoon in his mouth, but he wasn't happy about it. " ok, now let's make sure you're comfortable" smiled Inez, as she picked Junior up. 

" ok, now you just stay under those covers and watch a little TV" said Inez. " ok, but i'll get bored" replied Junior. " i'’ll tell you what, i'll send up your dad with something to do later" smiled Inez. " ok mommy" agreed Junior. At that moment, Inez heard a  crashing sound.

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