Chapter 3: Strange Man

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A dashing man donning princely attire with captivating, otherworldly eyes and a commanding height. Cally couldn't help but wonder if he was a character brought to life, or a charismatic cosplayer who might also be a thief or a murderer.

"Are you a thief in a cosplay?"

"Pardon, a thief? Well, then you must be a sorceress to have summoned me to this strange place. Explain your magic, and I may spare your life," the man replied, his sword poised menacingly.

Cally's eyes widened, and the cold steel of the blade against her neck confirmed the situation's gravity. She contemplated her fate: was her life in danger? Just moments ago, she'd been in her familiar old town, and now she was caught in this inexplicable predicament. She shut her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"I-I don't understand what you're talking about. Take whatever you want and spare my life. P-please, let me live," she implored, her thoughts muddled by the blade at her throat.

The enigmatic man surveyed the room, and his gaze settled on a radiant book. Lowering his sword, Cally slumped to her knees, her hand trembling at her neck. Her breaths grew heavier, and her mind was unable to grasp the man's intentions. Following his line of sight, she noticed her mother's book glowing, and her eyes widened in shock. What on earth was happening?

"B-bella... and the Cursed Prince?" The man retrieved the book, his confusion evident in his eyes. He then turned his fiery gaze back to Cally, raising his sword once more.

"Explain this. How did this book come into your possession? What is it about? How do you know about Bella and that good-for-nothing cursed prince?" He fired a barrage of questions, leaving Cally flustered with the sword poised menacingly.

"C-could you please lower your weapon?" she begged, but he remained resolute.

"F-fine. That book belonged to my late mother. It's a fantasy story she read to me when I was a child. Bella is the main character, and the 'good for nothing' prince you mentioned is the male lead. I know them because I've read that book. They're fictional characters," she stammered, her anxiety evident.

The man lowered his sword, still wearing a perplexed expression as he clutched his head.

"Are you trying to deceive me, sorceress? They are real people. Have you ensnared them within this book and transported me to this strange realm?"

"I didn't! I just arrived here. This is my home, and you trespassed without any magical transportation. I don't comprehend what you're talking about. If you don't leave, I'll call the authorities!"

The man darted out the window, his eyes widening at the dazzling city lights. He sighed, leaving Cally in a state of utter confusion as she reached for the door. However, he abruptly approached her, causing her to shrink back in fear. She felt cornered and closed her eyes, awaiting an ominous outcome. A minute passed, and nothing transpired. She opened her eyes to find the mysterious man seated before her, scrutinizing her intensely. His piercing red eyes locked onto hers, his intentions unclear. Paralyzed with fear, Cally remained in her place. They stayed like this for a minute until the man rose, grabbed the book, and took a seat, leaving Cally even more bewildered.

The man immersed himself in the book, his brow furrowing as he read. Cally contemplated making a run for it or asking for help, but he interrupted her thoughts.

"Come here. I mean you no harm; you have my word. I was bewildered earlier, but as I read this book, I've gleaned some understanding. Sit across from me; I have more questions that demand answers," he said calmly. Cally complied, although she couldn't help but question her decision.

She waited as the man finished reading the book.

"It appears that what is unfolding in my world is chronicled in this book. Whether they are imprisoned or not, you must explain," he stated, his gaze sharp and unwavering.

"My world? What do you mean by that?"

"Yes, I am the second prince mentioned in this book; isn't it obvious?" He showed her an illustration of the second prince, and though the artwork was rudimentary, the rose-colored hair and piercing red eyes resembled him closely.

"Are you kidding me? That doesn't make sense. Are you suggesting that you've materialized from the book's character?" Cally asked.

He frowned. "Do I seem like someone in the mood for jests?"


"That's because I'm not."

"I don't understand."

"Well, I don't quite understand either. That's why I must do everything within my power to unveil the truth about this book and my world," he stated, rising to his feet.

Was he planning to leave? Cally silently prayed that he would.

"I'll need you as my ally on this quest to uncover the truth," he declared.

Did she hear him correctly? Just moments ago, he had threatened her life, and now he was requesting her assistance.

"Why should I? After what you've done, why should I become your accomplice?"

"Right, I apologize for my prior actions," he admitted, though it seemed rather insufficient. "Nevertheless, the truth I seek may be tied to you, given that this book is in your possession."

"And what if it's not? What if my late mother just stumbled upon this book in a shop?"

"We'll find that out as well once we unearth the truth."

"What do you mean by 'we'? I never agreed to this."

The man retrieved an item from his small bag, causing Cally to take a step back, fearful it might be another weapon.

"Here," he said, offering her the bag. "Fear not; it's a treasure."

Cally accepted the bag, her eyes widening at the sight of the glittering gold within. Were these riches real?

"In case you're wondering, they're real, as are the jewels in my attire. They could fetch you a fortune."

The total value of these treasures could cover her living expenses for five—no, ten years!

"What do you want?" she inquired, and he smiled, taking her question as acceptance of his offer.

"You'll allow me to stay here."

"No! It seems you have the means to purchase a larger house than this. I see no reason to agree to that."

"Keep in mind, I'm new to this world. I'll require your companionship nearly all the time. Rest assured; I won't harm you. You can even keep my sword if it eases your mind."

"I still don't want it."

"Give me half a year, and I'll conclude my quest and depart. Simply let me stay here, and all my possessions will be yours."

Cally needed the money, and he needed a place to stay. Allowing a princely character from her childhood book to become her roommate didn't seem like such a bad idea after all, did it?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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