Chapter 10: Surprisingly Surprise

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'what's going on here!?', said Y/n as she examined the whole messy room.

'We're--', Hermione sneezed.

'---Cleaning', Ginny completed with a nod.

'Oh', she said.'Can I help?'

'Yes, please!', they said in unison.

The girls had finally cleaned the room. But it was "one" room among seven or eight rooms. Mrs. Weasley's voice had called them down for dinner in the meanwhile. The three of them went downstairs immediately, they were a bit too hungry today. 

'What the hell happened to your faces!?', Fred said giggling.

'Cinder-ella-s', George said.'Cinder-Y/n, Cinder-inny, Cinder-mione... I guess these sound better', he laughed.

(A.N: I didn't mean to insult cinderella... It was Fred... and George)

'Stop it Fred and George !', Mrs. Weasley yelled at them. 'They've helped me clean a room today, while you two were just apparating up and down the house!'

'Thanks Mrs. Weasley', said Hermione.

'It's okay Mrs. Weasley, They're just having fun in life', said Y/n casually.

'And that's why she's our favorite sista!', Fred and George said in unison. Mrs. Weasley left to the living room.

'Then what am I? A roach?', Ginny said.

'That is Obvious Ginevra', George said.


'WHAT?!', she heard Mrs. Weasley  squeal. 

'What happened?', Y/n asked.

'Let's go!', said Ginny. 

Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Y/n went out of the kitchen to the living room. 

'Yes!', said Mr.Weasley. 'Someone, get me a quill and a parchment quick!'. Mrs. Weasley hastily turned to get them. 

'Mrs. Weasley! I'll get it for you!', Hermione said. She took the wand from Ron's pocket and said,'Accio Quill, Accio Parchment', as they flew downstairs and into Hermione's hands. She gave it to him. Ron looked at her with grimace.

'What?', Hermione snapped at him. 

'er... my wand', Ron pointed out.

'Oh., Sorry', she gave it back with a slight blush. 

'There's a kind of rumor y'know', said Y/n. 'Like "Your soulmate's wand obeys you" something like that', she ended it with a smirk. Sometimes being raised in a pureblood family, has it's own advantage.

(A.N: That is a cooked up rumor!)

'Oh Shut up!', Hermione and Ron said together, with their arms crossed, looking in opposite directions.

'They seem to like each other sometimes', Ginny whispered to Y/n.

'They should date already!', said Y/n in a whisper.

'I sent it! Hope he doesn't get into more trouble!', Mr. Weasley said mournfully.

'Who doesn't get into trouble?', asked Y/n.

'Harry', he said.'He used magic!'

'He's got a warning from the ministry, now', Sirius said. 'He might be expelled', added casually.


'Dumbledore's trying ... He'll get away with that', said Lupin. 'Harry will be cleared of all charges for sure', he assured.

'Ohkay...', she said. Her face wasn't happy, neither was it sad. It had no emotion.

'Y/n?', Dora called her.'We should go home now... We'll come again tomorrow'

'Okay, Dora...', She left with her without saying goodbyes to everyone.

They returned home. Y/n made her way to her room, without having her dinner.She wore her pyjamas and removed her crystal-heart necklace and placed it safely in its box. 

What will happen to Harry?, Why did he do magic in the muggle world?, Will he be expelled?, Will he be put in Azkaban?, Can I not see him again?.......

All the thoughts were running through her head. She was sad. But she wasn't that girl who sat and cried for every single thing. She is mentally stable now. She knows, Harry didn't do anything wrong. He will not be expelled.

Y/n woke up with a start. She wondered when she slept last night. She felt really hungry right now. She looked onto her alarm which read the time, 5.57am. It was a bit too early for Miss Perfect as she does literally everything at the last minute. She sat quietly,she couldn't stop thinking about Harry. He should be fine! He mustn't be expelled! He should come back safe to me!, She crossed her fingers.

They were there again. Number twelve, Grimmauld place. Dora was holding Y/n's hand while she performed the same spell she had used the day before. Y/n was looking tired. She pulled her bag over her shoulders. Her _________ coloured sweatshirt was kinda cute and her h/c hair was _______. She wished that she was welcomed by her love---

'You didn't expect this one to come did'ya?'

Harry fucking Potter was standing at the door to welcome her! 

'Harry!', Y/n yelled and flung her arms around his neck. She might have kissed him, 'cause she missed him soooo much, unfortunately or fortunately there were people (relatives ) around them. She felt like she was too small, Harry had grown up a foot or so in two months time.His Raven hair was messy as usual. His sweatshirt was a little oversized, Of course it was Dudley's.

'You've grown like a palm tree Potterson!', she exclaimed as she released him from the hug. 

'Why didn't you wish me on my birthday?', That was the second question he asked.

'I didn't forget that!', she said. 'I knew you would ask me this, so I bought it with me!'

'Let's get inside shall we?', said Dora with frustration. 

Harry intertwined his hands with hers, as they walked in. 

'Where's my gift?', he said.

'It's in the bag', she said. 'I feel too lazy to take it out! wait for a while', she said as their eyes met. 

'Hey little Y/n!', Sirius greeted her.

'Hey Padfoot!', she said.

'Since when did you learn my nickname?', said Sirius.

'Since when I read your old some-named book', she said, and followed Harry. 

'You got a letter from the ministry?', asked Y/n. 'what did it say?'

'I have to go to the hearing', he said.'If I'm cleared I can go to Hogwarts again. If I'm not, I'm expelled', he shrugged.

'You will be cleared, Harold', she said.

'And my name's Harold now?', he said with a smirk.

'Oh yes'

(Sirius Black watches them from the dining table)

'They're cute together aren't they', Sirius said as they walked upstairs, holding hands.

'All I can say is', said Remus. 'They're already together... They're dating'

'Oh. Got a good topic to tease them!', he said.

'They're not Lily and James, Sirius!'

'You're a fun-killer Moony!', Sirius said and stuck his tongue out. He turned to his left as he felt someone looking at him. Someone he knew before. He had seen this girl before....


A.N: Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?

I'm a Gryffindor...

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