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"Freakin' hell! I only have like... a few thousand won left. I won't survive another week with this small amount of money," Minji exclaimed sadly as she examined her worn-out wallet, sighing afterwards.

Kazuha snorted. "I told you to get a job again, ass. Now what will you do? If you didn't sleep in at the restaurant where you worked at, this wouldn't happen." She asked as she took a bite from her sandwich, eyeing her friend.

"I didn't mean to do that! I was super sleepy because I had only like an hour of sleep before I went to my shift and unexpectedly, my manager let me close the place but I accidentally fell asleep in the middle of cleaning the table! Her reason was not valid at all! I'm also a human, I do get tired and the restaurant didn't get robbed anyway so..." Minji reasoned out, pouting after. Hyein looked at her and tilted her head innocently.

"You already told us that. But you know—you're still at fault. Instead of whining about having no money left, find another job." She said softly before sipping into her soda while her big-innocent eyes were still glued to her.

The ash blonde haired girl groaned in frustration and dropped her head on the table with a loud thud. Minji doesn't have any time to find another job. She's too busy with school and she's a graduating student for god's sake! She's very lucky that she found a job that matches her free time from her hectic schedule but unfortunately, she got fired a little while after.

But the money she only has left isn't enough for another week. She can't borrow some spare money from her friends because like her, they are all broke and trying to make ends meet. Only Haerin came from a well-off family but she's not in good-terms with her parents after she almost burned down their house's kitchen when she tried to cook-so she's also staying low on spending her money.

Minji's parents were not supporting her needs anymore after she refused to migrate to Vietnam with them. Her grandparents still send her some money sometimes but it wasn't enough, afterall, the old couple don't have any jobs anymore and just depending on their pension and her parents' support too.

Eunchae looked at her with pity. "Sorry I can't lend you some. My cousin, Kyujin-remember her? She stole money from my wallet to buy candies and stickers last week. Mom said she will give me some but it's until next week." She said apologetically.

Minji huffed and just pouted.

Finally, after watching how Minji whines in despair-Yujin thought it's actually time to help the whining woman.

She puts the straw out of her mouth before speaking, staring at the stressed girl. "I actually knew a job you can take. Your free time matches the work hours-the pay is, well it depends on what you and the boss talked about and if you do the job well. But I think the pay is kinda high. High enough to make you pay your rent on your apartment and do grocery every week." Yujin said before continuing drinking her yogurt.

Eunchae and Hyein looked at each other, shocked and at the same time confused. Haerin just stared at Yujin with wide eyes while Kazuha snorted once again.

The ash blonde haired instantly lifted her head, her jaw dropped. She's obviously shocked. That job sounds so good but a little bit odd but for now, Minji is desperate to have money.

"The offer really sounds good! Am I really compatible with that job?" The tall girl asked, her eyes sparkling with happiness. Yujin simply nodded as her response.

"Only if you are willing." She said and Minji was about to answer when Kazuha cut them off.

"What kind of job was that!? Are you perhaps giving Minji a very explicit job?! Are you gonna make her a prostitute or something?" Kazuha can't help but ask, worried for her younger friend.

Yujin narrowed her eyes on the other girl. "What? No! Why would I do that? I'm helping Minji here!" She shouted, giving Kazuha glares and pinched the bridge of her nose. Kazuha pouted, scratching her head. "Well you said the pay is kind of high and you used the term 'the boss'. Heck, of course I'll think of something weird. That job sounds odd enough!" She explained, but she made a point though, somehow.

Minji froze with that. She just confusedly looked at Yujin, waiting for her to continue.

Yujin face palmed herself before turning once again to the ash blonde haired girl. "I can assure you the job isn't like that! Why would I recommend you a job like that? Look Minji, I personally know the person you will work for and it's not so bad at all. You can still have enough time to sleep, attend school, and do your homeworks and projects." She continued.

The ash blonde haired girl stared at her friends one by one. Everyone felt relieved that the job wasn't like that- but they still felt a little weird about it, they are having mixed feelings. Yujin and probably also Eunchae― has many brain cells unlike them. She's also the trustive type of friend, you can lean and share your problems with her and help you- all of them are also trustable but Yujin tends to keep her mouth shut and stay silent most of the time, and would only offer comfort and help if it's serious or urgent. She also looks cold but she cares so much on her friends and she's also soft and clingy- she only does not look like one.

Minji sighed. She really needs money though. She saw how Yujin rose her brow and crossed her arms. Her heart might have flipped.

"So... Are you going to take that wonderful job?"

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