Chapter Twenty Seven - Loosing Yourself

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Isis sat at the foot of my bed and rubbed my eight month stomach that was getting ready to pop. I didn't want to be pregnant anymore and I was still depressed about keeping this baby but if I would've killed it my life would be in danger so I'd rather give birth to the dumb baby and then use it against Kareem there's no way he'd ignore his special needs son.

"So Corrine is five months now, she's carrying the pregnancy really well. This is what Kennedy posted on Instagram" Isis smiled at me showing a picture of Kareem kissing Corrine's stomach and I felt a lump grow in my throat.

"I don't wanna see that" I said quietly wiping tears from my eyes before they could fall. Isis smiled again before pulling out a business card and hands it over to me.

"What if I told you I had a plan? This is the FBI agent that contacted me wanting to help him set Kareem up" she said and I closed my eyes.

"You know Kareem isn't going to prison, he'd run before he ever let them put handcuffs on him" I said and Isis nodded her head like that was her plan.

"That's what I'm counting on and when that happens this could work in your favor" she said and I slowly sat up and looked at her.

"How? If I snitch on him he'd kill me Isis, how is that going to work in my favor" I said and she shook her head no.

"This guy works for the FBI he can make anything happen, even making it look like Corrine is the one who snitched and when that happens not only will she loose Kareem but she'd loose his two minions as well and when that happens you really think he'd want anything to do with her or her baby? If he runs who is he going to take with him?" She asked tilting her head to the side and I began to smile.

Taking the business card from her I looked down at it as my heart started to beat out of my chest. I wondered if I should take this risk or if this would make Kareem forget about doing the DNA test.

"I'll think about it" I said quietly and she gave my stomach another rub before standing up and grabbing her purse. She eyed me for a moment before leaving out of my room and I slowly got out of bed and followed behind her watching her leave out.

I locked the door behind her and turned my back to it making me lean against it. I'd been alone for so long and I didn't want to loose the person who I'd experienced everything with.

It's not fair that Kareem got to make me fall in love with him and then one day just not love me anymore and love somebody else. It's not fair that he gets to just not feel the same as me, when he loved me I didn't love him and I treated him badly and when I did start to fall for him he was falling out of love with me.

Corrine ruined everything, if she wouldn't have came along I wouldn't have to sit and watch Kareem become a father to her baby and I know that'll hurt me more than anything the fact that he's creating life with someone and the baby I'm carrying is more than likely not even his.

My mother lived all the way in Alabama and I hadn't seen her since I was twelve. I thought I was grown and left home with my aunt and Lolita and met Kareem a year later.

Walking into my kitchen I wiped the tears in my eyes and picked up a butcher knife looking down at my stomach. I thought about jabbing it into my stomach to get rid of the problem but I couldn't do it unless I was drunk.

Looking at the business card Isis gave me I picked up my phone and dialed the number of the FBI agent and placed the phone to my ear listening to it ring.

"Hello?" A deep voice answered and I froze and looked down at my stomach. I wanted Kareem to turn on Corrine, if I couldn't have him then neither could she.

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