Master And His Student

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Riam looked at the old man in front of him, his mind racing with questions. Who was he? How did he defeat the goblins so easily? He didn't even hesitate while killing them? How can a human be this strong? And most importantly, could he teach Riam how to do the same?

After a moment of consideration, he thought of all the possible scenarios, he looked at his sister and thought 'I need to be stronger, I need to protect her' and by taking all the responsibility of his sister, Riam nodded his head. "Yes, I want to become your student,"

The old man smiled. "Good choice, young one. My name is Kaida and I am a Necro-sword master. I have been traveling the world for many years, seeking out those with potential and teaching them the ways of the sword and magic. I came across two with the highest potential and you are the third, consider yourself lucky boy. You have shown courage and determination in the face of danger, and I believe you have the potential to become a great warrior."

Riam felt a surge of pride at Kaida's words. He had always dreamed of being a hero, of fighting monsters and saving people. Maybe this was his chance to make that dream a reality.

Riam and his sister were healed by some kind of magic that Kaida did after killing the goblins.

Over the next few months, Riam trained under Kaida's tutelage while his sister Hedya learned how to perform basic healing. Riam learned how to wield a sword with deadly precision , how to anticipate his opponent's moves, and how to control his own fear. And at night time Kaida would put him on strict training to control his soul and put him in high concentrated mana water to enhance his mana capacity and his efficiency for using soul power in battles. Kaida was a strict but patient teacher, pushing Riam to his limits but always offering encouragement and praise when he did well.

As Riam grew stronger and more confident, he began to understand the true nature of the world he lived in. There were many dangers out there, from goblins and other monsters to powerful sorcerers and corrupt rulers. But there were also many people who needed help, who needed someone to stand up for them and fight for what was right.

With Kaida's guidance, Riam realized that he could be that someone. He could be a hero, a protector, a champion of the weak and downtrodden.

And so he set out into the world, his sword and a black necklace given to him by Kaida at his side and his heart full of determination. He knew that there would be many challenges ahead, many trials to face and overcome. But he was ready for whatever came his way.

For he was Riam, the Necro-Sword Master's student, and he was destined for greatness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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