3- sneak

120 7 6

"Only a few find the way. Some don't recognize it when they do - some... don't ever want to."
Rainbow watcher AU

I listened carefully for any indication that anyone was awake. The yellow glow that was painting my body dissappeared -as did the symbol of the united listeners and watchers. I switched to the dark lavender glow of the watchers.

The watchers colour wasn't the loving violet that the violet steves wore, nor was it the indigo that represented the connection between worlds. Like the colour -purple- the powers were somewhere in the middle of the two and all of the other chromatic abilities. The watchers purple was sharp but caring, mean but kind. A certain type of "tough love" that people and entities couldn't understand but watchers could.

It was the only kind of love they knew how to give. At least until Evolution....

The symbol glowed, and I saw guards patrolling the area. Their armour visible from reflecting the lights and with how bright it was. Only the light from the watcher sigil was hitting the back of their armour and only a small amount towards their feet.

This must mean the rain was heavier than I thought if there still must be puddles.

This puts a wrench into my plans...

Like how I put a potato into the Sahara.

Khe he he he!


Don't laugh. I need to remain silent for this to work.

Slowly, I unravel the paper. It looks blank. Nearly blank. Following the edges in a barely visible shade of yellow-gold is the united listener and watcher sigil. Moving the watcher sigil to be above a map appears under the glowing sigil. The map bearing the likeness of this entire world. And that mountain there. The one above the clouds, just barely above. Will be where the watchers powers will be the most concentrated.

They enjoy being in the sky. Khe heh, sky people. I remember telling Rainbow about you and that you all... you all.

Turning back. I grab a bag -a messenger bag. The pins that once covered it were removed and put into a shulker box long ago -before rainbow quest, before the life series... before losing them again...


No thinking like that.

They aren't dead.

They aren't gone.

The next but of double life is coming along.

I will see them again.

I will be able to hug them.

I will be able to... do everything with them again.

We will be a family again.

I just need to leave.

I pick up what I gathered to take with me. Knocking down some books and clothes. F- rick... those make noise. Lots of noise.

I move the watchers symbol closer. Frick. They heard. How am I...


Using my watcher + slight listener abilities, I slow down time by bending reality. I grab the map, grab my bag, and I grab some of my more sentimental items -gifts from the others, gifts from Rainbow, from Lucas, from Orange.

I can hear them now. I need to go. The watcher symbol shatters and as does the window -I missed seeing the symbol engrve itself of the window. Before I go, I need to-

I pick up a different bit of paper and burn the watcher symbol into the first and second layer. Enchanting it with a small amount of watchers magic.

They're running now. Boots thundering against the ground and flooring.

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