Who is she?

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*A/N: Hey guys! This is my first Wattpad story so I'm open to feedback. Please let me know how I'm doing! This story will be told from a narrator's pov. Any and all art is not mine and most likely was found on Pinterest. Enjoy!*
Y/n- your name
H/c- hair color
H/l- hail length
E/c- eye color

Chapter 1

It hadn't been long since the Kingdom of Liones was saved by the Seven Deadly Sins, and the town was working tirelessly to restore what had been lost or damaged. And while the state of shock had worn off and there was some sense of normalcy, that didn't mean that threats didn't appear from time to time.

They were of much less magnitude and the Holy Knights, with the help of the Seven Deadly Sins, were able to take care of them swiftly.
Today in particular, they were facing the leader of a faraway nation that deeply craved even more power. He was tall and extremely muscular with short dark hair. His bright blue eyes were as sharp as knives that didn't fail to cut through the souls of the legends he was now facing. His name was Drax Mintz.

Meliodas, Howzer, Diane, Gilthunder, Griamore and Gowther were all huddled together readying their attack. Elizabeth and Hawk stood off to the side. "The people of this kingdom will never bow to you, you hear me?" Gilthunder shouted. Drax laughed maniacally. The toxic sound stung the ears of his opponents. "We'll see about that, little boy," he replied.

Suddenly a flash of motion came from behind Drax. The mysterious figure jumped over him, landing between him and the group of warriors. The group halted their attack on the new arrival when they noticed that Drax was just as surprised as them. The person was dressed in a white top, partly cover by a brown corset. They wore tight, black pants paired with knee-high boots. Wrapped around their forearms were some kind of brace. A faded red blindfold was tied over their eyes.

"Who are you?" the malicious man asked

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"Who are you?" the malicious man asked.

Their h/l, h/c hair flowed with the wind. "I am the spirit of every woman-past, present, and future-that has been wronged by the patriarchal culture that men like you uphold," her booming voice spoke as she pointed a small sword at Drax, "But you can call me y/n."

The group looked at her in shock, not knowing what to make of the strange situation.

Drax, on the other hand, looked completely unfazed. He chuckled, "Ha! A little girl like you doesn't stand a chance against my power."

She smirked. "We'll see."

Drax lunged at her, startling the group behind her. They were about to attack when all of the sudden, they watched y/n's h/c hair turn to dozens of snakes. Their venomous hisses rang through the air before being interrupted by a high-pitched yelp from Drax. They looked up to see that a stone statue in his place. Horror eternally frozen on his face.

Y/n returned the blindfold to her eyes as she turned to face the rest. They all stepped back in fear they would meet the same fate. The tension hung thick in the atmosphere around them.

A soft smile grew on y/n's lips. "You must be Meliodas, captain of the Seven Deadly Sins," she looked up to the giant girl behind them, "You are Diane, the Serpent Sin. And Gowther the Goat Sin. I assure you, I mean no harm. I'm honored to meet such brave heroes." She bowed slightly. Everyone's bodies relaxed. Meliodas smiled at her. "Hi there! Why don't you come down to my tavern? We can get to know each other a little better," he invited.

Y/n agreed and they all set off the hill where the Boar Hat was set up.

*Time skip to about an hour later*
"So, tell me," y/n started, "where are the other sins?"
Meliodas lowered his head as his expression grew more serious. "Ban and King took off early yesterday morning," he stated simply, "But you tell me, just what is that magical power you have."

This time, it was y/n's smile that faded. She took in a deep breath as she built up the courage to tell her tale.

"Well it all started a very, very long time ago. I lost my parents at an early age and then was took in by the small village that ended up raising me. When I turned twenty-two, they made me their chief. I didn't live like the royalty here, but I was gifted a remarkably larger home than the others. I never married, in fear that I would be used for my status. But one day, as I was gathering wood in the forest for my village, I saw a dark figure stalking me. He ran to attack me and, in a flash, I fled. I never stopped running until I reached the other side of the woods, where I found the Temple of the Goddesses. I ran inside, hoping they would protect me, but they turned their nose up at me. Then the man crashed into me. He took me, against my will, on the cold floor. As a punishment, I was cursed to have eyes that turn men to stone, patches of green scales on my skin, and snakes for hair."

Everyone stared at her in silence as she continued.

"I spent about two days in that forest, afraid to go home. But when I reached the edge of my village, I managed to get into my home with out anyone noticing. I looked at my mirror in shame. I found that if I covered my eyes with a sheer cloth, my hair and skin went back to normal, unless triggered by a strong emotion like anger or fear. I could see through the cloth well enough to get around. As long as other's can't see my eyes, they won't be turned to stone. I went around town and explained my new accessory was a result of an accident in the woods which caused me to lose my vision. Everyone believed my lie, but it was when my cat-like reflexes betrayed me that one woman began to suspect me. She gathered the townspeople and ripped off my blindfold. The men that saw my eyes turned to stone. I fled to my home where the followed me, chanting outside that I was a monster. I had never felt more heartbroken and alone. I somehow found the strength to slip through the door in the back and run to the woods. I climbed up a mountain where I found a cave to reside. I hoped I would never hurt anyone again. I was forced to eternal life with this curse, and as charming as it sounded to stay doing nothing in a cave forever, I decided I would use this curse as a power. Fight for good. It only seems to affect men, so I chose to fight against the patriarchy. So here I am."

Y/n turned her head up to the people sitting around her. They all looked at her agape, except for Meliodas.

His face still plagued with his innocent smile, piped up,

"Great! Well, welcome to the team!"

*Ahh omg! Lmk what you think! I'll try to update soon!*

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