☆🎙️- 4 Minutes - 🔥☆

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Y/n's POV

Today I got a text from Georg, it said that there will be a party at his house, and that if I wanted to go as well. Of course I said yes, I've liked Bill for months now, and him and the rest of the band will go, so maybe that would be my chance to confess to him

Georg told me that it'd be at 11 pm at his house, it was currently 8 pm, so I had some time to kill while I waited. I took a shower and dressed up in some light blue jeans with black stars and a black crop top

When it was 10:20 pm, I started my way to Georg's house, as it was a bit far from mine. I arrived at 10:56 pm, the sound of loud music already being heard from some streets away. Georg opened and smiled at me

-Hey, y/n! Glad you made it here, come on in, Bill, Tom, and more people are already here, we're just waiting for Gustav now

I stepped in and inmediatetly saw a lot of people and Tom, I greeted him, but I couldn't see Bill. I sat on the couch were Tom was already sitting and started talking with him as Georg walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later, Bill walked out from the bathroom and instantly came to say hi as well

-Oh, hello, y/n, how are you?

Of course, I got really nervous, and started blushing like crazy

-O-oh, Bill! I'm fine, a-and you?

-I'm fine as well, thanks for asking

Bill smiled and sat besides me, so I was left in the middle of the twins. Suddently, Tom whispers to my ear

-Hey, y/n, are you okay? You seem nervous for something.... Or someone?

He smirks at me as I blush even heavier and whisper back

-Tom, shut up!

Bill didn't take too long to notice our whispers and he looked kind of.... Jealous?

-What's on with you both whispering?

-Oh, nothing, Bill, don't worry

Tom chuckles as he replies, it's obvious that he noticed about my crush on Bill and he's trying to make it obvious for Bill as well. But I don't want him to, what if Bill doesn't feel the same and we don't talk to each other again?

-Yeah, okay....

Then, Georg comes into the living room again, sitting on one of the chairs that were there while complaining about how much Gustav is taking

-Damn, how long is Gustav going to take to get here?

Suddently, the doorbell rings and Georg stands up

-Finally, goddamit!

He opens the door and Gustav was there. They both had a small argue about why Gustav was late, but finally, Georg rolled his eyes and let him in

Gustav came to sit on the couch as well, and the five of us started thinking of what could we do now that we're all here. After a few, Tom came up with the idea to play 7 minutes in paradise

Almost most of the people in the party agreed to play, so we were a group of like... 34? People playing. Georg asked all of us to write our names in pieces of paper that he'll put in a bowl later. All of us did, and once all of the papers with the names were in the bowl, Georg took two and read them out loud

People kept getting inside a closet as Georg said their names. Some of them were caught right in the middle of the act, making many people laugh, tho I was worried and nervous because I didn't know who I would get in with

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