Ch 2. A new tide

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cw/ mentions of animal harm and implied death and mentions of blood but it's called star berry jam bc cookies

How long had it been since she was frozen? Days? Months? Years? Perhaps even decades..maybe the moon no longer existed..bah what a preposterous thought, sea fairy was quick to grab hold onto her sword once more should she question what had unfroze her? it was probably best not to test her luck..instead opting for a silent thank you to whatever or whomever had freed her from the Icy prison before staring up at the sky.

The light of the sun seemed so horribly bright as sea fairy's eyes were free to blink,she had spent so much time staring only at the night sky after all she had almost forgotten what the sun looked like

Though she wouldn't have to look at it for much long the cookie fully intended to get back to work reaching for the moon. although sea fairy knew that it would be quite some time before sunset befell earthbread...perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to take a quick look around to see how much the world had changed during her time encased, step by step she had made her way to the shore and onto the warm sand that greeted her and for a moment the waves seemed to follow her water splashing onto the shore until she had stood on grass to which the waves had receded.

It seemed so long since the last time sea fairy had explored the land this world had to offer, hours seemed to have passed and yet the moon did not show signs of rising and sea fairy had debated if she kept exploring or returned back to the sea to wait...that thought had come back what if the moon had no longer existed, what if the sun would shine forever...would she be able to ever see those beautiful stars..that warm smile that felt so much warmer then anything the sun could have given her..would she ever be able to hold her love so closely to her hands wrapped around her beloveds waist, maybe her being unfrozen was actually another punishment for leaving behind her duties and people..unfreezing her to see the thing she craved so much had left without her..she quickly shook the thought out of her head again though this time it lingered in the back of her mind as she continued to explode before she stumbled upon a forest.

the forest was nearly as dark as the night sky thick trees covering nearly every nook and cranny and yet...the forest didn't feel as welcoming as the night did, gripping onto the hilt of her sword sea fairy continued fourth trudging into the unwelcoming forest, she could feel the eyes of whatever foul creatures had decided to call this area their home it didn't help she could hear them either the sound of growls growing louder as she walked maybe she should just turn back..

But she didn't, what does she have to be so afraid of? After all she controlled the oceans she was pretty much a god..why was she so worried about some measly creatures but then again it had been so long and sea fairy had actually never really fought another cookie after all who would dare try to fight a sea god?

maybe that was a bad question cause not far into the forest something had decided to jump out growling angrily at the cookie before, the creature was small and triangular it seemed to be made of cake honestly she would have doubt it quite cute if it wasn't for the fact the thing was trying to lunge itself at her, she hadn't mean to hurt the small creature really but it was almost a instinct swinging her sword at the cake creature not expecting to actually land the hit...but she did her eyes instantly widening as she saw strawberry jam dripped from her blade and pooled onto the grass and yet the poor thing was still alive now whimpering on the ground from such a injury she slowly shuffled towards it hoping there was something she could do the the cake canine..but it shuffled away which had only caused it to whimper more, she already knew the creature wouldn't live with such a was so small compared to her sword simply shaking her head sighing and with a heavy heart she knew she had no other choice..

The sun had finally set as sea fairy made her way back to the sea wanting nothing more then to forget the events of the day she was almost relived to see the moon rising...immediately untensing under the moons soft light.

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