that symbol.

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Elizabeth has been seeing something in her dreams. That strange symbol has been showing up ever since.

The symbol that had been haunting her. In a reassuring... way?

She felt as if she was floating around...

this dream...

It twirled, triangular shape floating apart before coming back together after a mere second, then to her hand.

It suddenly went away into the void, Elizabeth tried to reach out, a figure came into view, standing a few feet away from her.

The figure, took on a person with purple hair, and strange clothing she's never before.

Her again...
I've seen this woman before...

A strange feeling of comfort. She felt it for a second. The figure reached out to her hand then mouthed something she couldn't hear.


The figure suddenly changed, to Elizabeth's panic...

The figure suddenly changed to a girl. Glitching in between the purple haired female and the new face.

The other figure wore a black and greyish maid dress with a white apron and a white inner dress with a big bow-tie button holding it onto the dress along with two buttons below it on the inner dress. It has silver hair with two straight down twin tails, each having a hair-band on the low end of them, along with a big black bow on the back of her head and a maid crown. It had that same triangle symbol on the left of it's face.

Elizabeth took the figures hand, trying figure out who or what it is. Looking at it with her kind eyes.

It suddenly gently pushed her down into the void.

...Cyn....Uzi...Y/n Remember me....

The princess woke up in a cold sweat.

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