Warning: Graphic Scenes involved

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Lin, Akio, and I split up looking for Amaya. Lin went to the girl's bathroom (she was like, the only one of us allowed to go there), Akio checked the parish hall, and I checked the Cafeteria. It was packed since everyone had the same lunch period! Ugh this is hopeless! I'll never find her in this crowd! 

Maybe she went to class. Seriously, Maito? Why would she go to class already! I have nearly the exact same schedule as her and class never starts during lunch period! Maybe she had to do some work with the teacher. She was failing in Chemistry.

I rushed into the hallway looking for the chemistry lab. When I finally found it I bumped into my cousin, aKero. He had a smile on his face. But it looked a bit, evil. Soon that smile on his face was wiped out and he smashed my head on a blue locker. I winced in pain.

"You killed my dad!!"

aKero placed his hand on my neck nearly choking me to death. I held my breath. Okay bad choice Maito. I gripped onto his wrists and pushed him back causing him to fall down. aKero had a bruise on his head. 

Quickly he got up and threw me onto the ground and kicked me in the neck. I coughed and sputtered but aKero had no mercy. Wait a second, I didn't kill his dad I knocked him out. Wait. Maybe I thought I knocked him out but, I killed him?

aKero tugged on my scarf causing me to not breathe anymore. If I tried to talk it would come out hoarsely so I couldn't call for help. I punched aKero on the, private part causing him to groan and release his foot from my neck. I ran away from him.

Then again he grabbed me by my scarf like the reins of a horse and flipped me causing a crack on the floor. Ugh. I couldn't even get up it hurt! I put my hand on my head and I felt something liquid and red. Blood. Shoot. My mom's going to get mad at me.

I still couldn't get up. aKero was older than me. He was like his dad, too. I couldn't fight him. He might even kill me right on the spot. I still couldn't give up. I got up slowly and turned to kick aKero in the face. He winced.

I caused a red bruise on his face and a tooth came out.

"Oh! So little Maito is FINALLY GROWING UP!!"

aKero rushed over to me with a war cry with a fist in his hand. I couldn't be scared at this point. Suddenly I thought of Amaya. Then I felt a huge hit on my face.

I fell down again once more. But I was lucky. I fell next to Akio's locker. I knew his combination code so when I entered it I reached into the back end. Just what I needed at this moment. A samurai sword. I opened it from it's cover and pointed it at aKero. Finally. I won.


I was panting hard and pointed the sword at Akio's chest. He only smirked and got out one of his own. Wait a second, he had ONE?! What in the world?! He was so quick that when I raised up my sword I felt a scar on my forehead already. Bleeding? Yes I was.

I fought the urge of giving up. Because I know that in my family tree, none of us have given up. I got my strength back and pointed it to his cheek causing a scar on that. Soon he lost balance and fell. I lifted his chin with my sword. 

"It seems like you loose."

"Your the maniac. You kill your own uncle. Now you make your cousin suffer. Have mercy!"

My eyes widened. What was he talking about? He attacked me first! And his dad was trying to kill Amya! Wait. Amaya....

I quickly put Akio's sword away back to where it was in his locker and raced to the Chemistry Lab to where I did find Amaya. But when she came out of the lab everything was black. I couldn't see anything. Ugh no! I can't be dead! Maybe I'm just unconscious.

I woke up in the school nurse's office after an hour had passed by Amaya looked at me with wide eyes of worry. I looked at her bloodshot eyes which looked like she's been crying.


"I was looking for you...."

I winced in pain. I had a killer headache. Maybe I should rest in the nurse's office right now. After all, I might get a period free of school. I looked at Amaya and I sat up straight instead of lying down. The nurse looked at me with a straight face.

"Well you got a bruise on your forehead and head and a slightly broken nose. Your neck seems to have been damaged a little too so don't talk so much. I called your mom to pick you up. So sit tight and wait for her."

I nodded at the nurse's words and I looked at Amaya again. I brushed her green hair and placed my cold hand on her face and kissed her. She looked at me with a red face of embarrassment. When the bell rang she quickly fled to class and I had to stay in the nurse's office for almost an hour waiting for my mom to pick me up.

I walked with my mom to the car and she slapped my face. Ow.

"What were you thinking, Maito?! I didn't raise you to get hurt!"

"Mom! aKero started it!!"

My mom was silent for a moment and started to drive. She glanced at me for a second then focused on the road.

"aKero? I should have known."

My mom drove way too fast I wished that I had double seat belts. She crashed into the sidewalk and broke a potted plant.

"Mom that's the second time this month!"

Argh. Was she drunk driving? I should have known. Sooner or later I felt the air bag on my face. Later on my mom spotted a police that actually pulled her over for speeding but she ended up pulling over wrong. I covered my face in embarrassment. The car was totaled and I had to wait at a tow truck office with my mom. 

"So much for a last day of school."

Hello my oranges! So yeah. Things are moving quickly but change has already happened! Akio and Lin are already acting strange? aKero getting all mad at Maito even though he didn't kill his dad? So what's going on? Find out next chapter!

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