Shopping Spree in Atlantis

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HI everyone! Sorry for being inactive for a while, but I posted the Halloween oneshot for this book! So you can check that out! Here's another chaotic Linh and Y/N moment with Tam dragged along!

-Tam blames you for everything that happened today....

-Linh and you had planned this day for a while.

-But Tam had made it clear that he did not want to come. 

-But you made him come, because he was your boyfriend and you wanted to buy him some new clothes. The plan was to go grab something from the pet store for Princess Purryfins but nope. You had to go and look at the latest fashion! And snacks! And some fun stuff for your room and hobbies!

-You had dragged Tam along to go buy the pet equipment. You got a cute bed for her in pink and blue. You got her some new treats to try and got a LOT of toys for her. I mean, she's the murcat, and a super cute one!

-Then you got side tracked. I mean what can I say, gorgeous books just waiting to be read, and for Linh another chance to makeover you. 

-Tam groaned the entire time, but stopped when you were heading to the book store. Seeing his cute girlfriend get excited over books. He loved that.

-Ten minutes later, he was back to grumpy mode. You laughed with Linh when getting ready and she bought you 3 BAGS OF CLOTHING AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE. 

-You bade her goodbye and brought your slightly happy, slightly grouchy boyfriend back home, where he trapped you in a cuddle for many hours.

-Many many hours.

Thank you all for reading! And thanks for 16 followers! I am very excited for some next chapters coming and I hope u guys enjoy it too! 

Have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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