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"Y/n get the hell up," My mom yells as she hits me with a pillow 
"Damn mama It's only 7," I tell her "So, you are just being Lazy when I was your age I had to be up at 5 am on the farm going around getting eggs and milking cows,  you Lazy," 
"Mummy you didn't grow up on a farm," I let out as my mom slaps on the back of the head
"No, dont talk back to me," Mum says as I get up rubbing my head
"Okay then what are we doing today," I ask yawning "We are going to see Aunty Cindy then go shopping," Mum tells me as I pick out clothes to wear "No you look like a boy dressing like that," 
"No, you said if we move here then I get to decide what I wear," I let out grabbing my clothes
"Fine you have 20 minutes to get ready or I'm leaving," Mum says as I run to the bathroom
I have a shower do my skin routine then get dressed brush my hair and teeth with a little bit of makeup 
"Y/N I'M LEAVING IN 2 MINUTES," Mum yells as I'm checking myself out in my mirror
 "I'M COMING," I yell back grabbing my bag, phone, and lipgloss then running downstairs 
"Why must you dress like a boy," Mum says as I'm putting my shoes on "I'm ready let's go," I say opening the door and walking out to the car  "Y/n wait look we have new neighbors,
go help them move their stuff inside well I go and get a gift," Mum says pushing me toward their house then she runs back inside "Of course Mum," I mumble walking over
"Hey, I'm your neighbor from across the road," 
I say as this boy with spikey black hair answers "Oh hi,"
"Um so like did you need help," I asked rubbing the back of my neck
"That would be lovely," He says grabbing my hand "Okay so bring that box into the kitchen," 
he smiles "Oh and by the way, I'm Y/n," I say picking up the box "Y/n is such a pretty name,"
He says walking away okay let's not tell me your name "Hello," My mum says with this big box with wrapping on it "Hello miss let me help with that," He says grabbing the box 
"That's for you I live just across the street I'm Evelyn l/n but just call me Miss l/n," Mum says smiling as I bring the box inside 
"Who are you," A boy with dreads asks as I walk into the kitchen "Oh hey I'm your neighbor from across the street My mum wanted me to come and help you guys move in I guess," I tell him as I put the box down "thanks my mum is just upstairs," He tells me
"Well im Y/n," I say "Nice name," He says as my mum walks inside
"MUM COME MEET OUR NEIGHBORS," He yells as I roll my eyes
"So do you guys just not introduce yourself around here," I ask as the boy looks at me confused
 "Dont you know who I am," He asks wide-eyed
"No.... why," I ask confused "Im Tom Kaulitz," Tom says "Um you say that like you famous or something," I say as he Smile's at me "I am," He says as I go wide-eyed 
"Im in a band, Tokio Hotel," Tom says proudly "Tom come help," His bother yells from outside 
"Oh yeah let's go help then you can tell me all about your band," I say before running outside
"Bill guess what," Tom says as he skips outside "What," 
Bill I guess that's his name "Y/n you meet her right," Tom says as Bill nods his head
"She doesn't who we are," Tom says trying to whisper "What do you mean," Bill says shocked 
"Yeah she didn't who I was," Tom lets out a Bill looks at me I wave at him then I grab a box

: Tom pov :

"Oh no now, I feel bad I didn't even introduce myself," Bill says as I laugh
 "Haha now she probably thinks you're a dick," I keep laughing as Bill slaps my shoulder
 "Shut up," "Fine but you can't hang out with me and Y/n... I'm going to tell her all about the band and probably play some songs," I let out patting his shoulder "No that's just mean," 
Y/n yells getting our attention "Sorry," I say as Bill runs up to her
"Im so sorry for not telling you my name and Not helping you bring in the boxes," Bill says hugging her she hugs him back Ok that was kinda of cute
 "It's fine," She tells him patting his back "Where's my hug," I say jokingly as I put my arms out but Bill picks up Y/n and runs inside with her "You don't get one," Bill says running up the stairs

: Y/n pov or just your pov:

Damn I was shocked as Bill run up the stairs with me like I was some pillow 
but right now we're In his bedroom Tom was outside of the door knocking on it 
 "LET ME IN PLEASE," Tom yells knocking 
"Never, The princess is mine for the keeping," Bill says putting on a troll-sounding voice then kinda stops as he looks at me as I smile at him "Fine keep her," Tom says 
"Looks like I'm yours till my mum wants to leave," I say laughing "I guess so,"

: My head hurts and it's like 3 a.m. and I have school tomorrow my mum just came in and yelled at me But lucky me she didn't take my phone or laptop the lord was looking out for me tonight FUCK MY DAD AWAKE I HOPE HE DON'T COME TO MY ROOM  :
: Love yous.xoxo :

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