Chapter Two - Welcome To Evakye

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                                                                        ???, ???, ??? - ?:??

Evelyn's Pov
I slowly began blinking my eyes open and immediately closing them shut while flinching when a raindrop hit my eye.

I quickly sat up. "Ow!" I screamed, covering my eye with my hand. I took my hand off slowly and realized I was sitting on grass.

"What the- where am I?" I said out loud, looking around frantically.

All I saw were trees surrounded by dark grass that was muddy from the rain. I also saw water covering all the land. It looked to be like I was on an island somehow, and I had thought I was dreaming for a second.

I then realized that you can't feel anything in your dreams, so I slowly placed my two fingers in between the skin on my other hand and pinched myself.

I winced in pain and looked down at my hand, I had pinched too hard. My hand was bleeding, and it was quickly going down my arm.

I panicked for a minute until I realized there was water surrounding me. I got up while holding my arm with my other hand.

I walked over to the edge of the island and sat on my knees. I placed my hand that was bleeding gently in the water and washed it off with my other hand.

After cleaning the blood off, I let my hands stay in the water for a minute. It was the perfect temperature, it wasn't too cold.

I wasn't used to this type of temperature yet since Montana had been covered in snow since the middle of October. If I had to guess, I'd say it was about 72 degrees. The water feels to be about 67 degrees.

I closed my eyes and started to think of how I had gotten here.

"Hm, let's see. I remember coming home from school and nobody was in the house. I went to my room and I think I started crying. I have no idea. After that, I'm drawing a huge blank."  I thought to myself.

I wanted to get more answers about this place, so I opened my eyes and looked down at my hands.

My eyes widened in horror and shock as the water was being pulled apart.

I didn't hesitate to take my hands out immediately. I watched as the water quickly pushed back into its original place, my eyes still wide open.

"This is getting a bit creepy now," I said out loud.

I swallowed nervously as I slowly put my hands back in the water. It was real, it wasn't a hallucination.

I watched as it did the same thing, pushing the water back from my hands.

I was about to pull them out when suddenly I heard a noise in the far back of the island. I quickly looked back to see what it was, but the trees stopped me from seeing anything.

I took my hands out and watched as the water pushed back into place again. I got up carefully and brushed the grass off of my jeans, shaking my hands as well to dry them.

I nearly tip-toed as I started walking toward the noise.

I hid behind a tree while just barely peeking out of it.

I felt my eyes widen in shock. In front of me was a purple portal that looked like a galaxy. It was shaped like a circle, and swirling around in slow speed.

I heard a noise to the right of me, so I quickly looked in that direction.

I saw a girl that had long brown hair, half dyed with vibrant purple. Her back was facing me so I couldn't see what she looked like.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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