291 31 4

Brooklyn, NY
December 27, 1990

"Remember the rules?" Her dad asked as he stepped off the last step of the stairs to stand in front of his twelve year old daughter.

"Don't answer the door or the phone. Keep all entries to the house locked. If anything happens, call Bobby." She answered proudly.

Malachai smiled down at his daughter, "That's my girl," He said before kissing her forehead.

"I'll be back in a few hours." He stated as he headed towards the front door.

As his hand landed on the door handle, he felt two small arms wrap around him.

"Stay safe." Mazikeen softly said.

He turned around, leaning down to properly hug the girl as he spoke, "I will. I love you, kid."

"I love you too, Dad." She smiled into his shoulder.

He stood up, sending her one last smile, before he walked through the front door, locking it behind him.

If only she had known that was the last time she would see her father alive, she would've never let him walk through the door.

She made sure everything was locked before making her way up the stairs, towards her bedroom. As she went to open her door, she heard another one open. She looked to see her five year old brother standing in his doorway.

"Aren't you supposed to be asleep?" She grinned at the boy.

"Can you sleep with me, please? I don't like sleeping alone when dad isn't here." The youngest Maddox asked with the best puppy dog eyes he could muster up.

"God, you and Sam with your stupid eyes." The girl groaned.

The similarities between Sam and Maverick freaked out both Maze and her best friend, Dean.

Maverick gave her an ear to ear smile, "Is that a yes?"

"Fine," She grumbled, walking towards him, "Get in bed."

The little boy cheered before running and jumping onto his bed. Maze let out a chuckle before closing the bedroom door.

"Goodnight, Mavy." She spoke as she got comfortable in his bed.

"Goodnight." She heard him mumble.

A few minutes passed and she heard his voice again, "Maze?"

"Mav?" She muttered back.

"W-What was mom like?" He wondered.

Her eyes shot open before she flipped towards her brother. Their mother had left them a few weeks after Maverick was born. A few months ago, their dad got a call from a psych ward in California saying their mom inducted herself a week prior, and that she had hung herself. Maze didn't even cry when her dad told her. She wanted to but all she could think about is the pain that her mother caused her little brother.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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