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The flight takes off, and Anastasia puts her headphones on. This flight this time is taking her to Miami Florida which is a five-hour and thirty-five-minute flight.
Four and a half hours into the flight, the Captain comes on the loudspeaker.
"Don't worry, we've got everything under control. Don't panic." The Captain said. The little girl beside me was crying, her mother went to the bathroom. "Hold my hand," Anastasia tells the little girl.
The little girl gets a hold of my hand. "What's your name?" Anastasia asked the girl calmly.
"Bailey," She said
"Bailey, I'm Anastasia," Anastasia said
"Okay," Bailey said, with a shaky voice
"It's going to be okay. I promise." Anastasia said
Then Anastasia realized that were the exact last words of her father before he passed away.
Then Bailey's mother came back, she was crying. She got to her seat, trying to stay calm, but when she saw her daughter she stopped crying, she was happy to see that her daughter was okay.
Then out of nowhere, the left wing. The side that Anastasia, Bailey, and her mother were on. The wing caught on fire. "Bailey, I need you to listen to me." Anastasia calmly said
"Okay," Bailey said, with confidence.
"I need you and your mother to swap spots with me," Anastasia said
"Okay," Bailey said

Bailey swaps spots with Anastasia, and now Bailey is in the alley seat, and Bailey's mum is in the middle seat.

Anastasia is breathing very heavily. Bailey is holding hands with her mum.

Everyone on the plane is running down the alley. "What's happening?" asked Bailey

"I'm not sure, let me check." Bailey's mum said

Bailey's mum gets up and checks the alley. She sees something, Bailey and Anastasia can't. Bailey's mum starts running.

"Mummy?" Bailey said, with confusion.

Then Bailey gets up to look. Then screams. Anastasia rushed to Bailey. Anastasia has never moved so quickly. Anastasia pushes Bailey out of the way. Before Anastasia has time to think about what happened. Something comes and crashes on top of her. She was knocked out.

"Anastasia!" Bailey screamed as her mother grabbed her.

The Plane finally crashed into some trees. There were some survivors. Bailey and her mum were one of the survivors. Bailey is searching for Anastasia, but can't find her.

Until she comes across a person, lying down and looking unconscious. Bailey moved the thing that was in her way. It was Anastasia. Bailey was screaming and crying. Then her mum came along and pulled her away. "She saved me!" Bailey screamed while crying.

Back in Seattle, Josh was watching TV, switching through the channels, then came across the news channel. He stopped when they mentioned a plane crash.

"This evening a plane crashed on its way to Florida. Everyone survived, except this 18 year old girl named Anastasia. I've got the mother and the daughter that was there before she passed." said the news reporter

Josh is crying. Knowing the fact that he will never see his sister again.

"So you both were with the girl before she died." said the news reported

"Correct." Said Bailey's mother

"Can you explain how you knew she passed?" asked the reporter

"Well... I went to the alley to see something, and then Anastasia jumped and pushed me out of the way. I didn't know what happened until I was walking around the wreckage. And saw Anastasia on the floor, under some roofing from the plane.." Bailey sobbed.

"I couldn't imagine the pain you were in. Were you guys related somehow?" asked the reporter

"No, we met on the plane. I didn't know her for long. But she was a great person." Bailey sobbed again

"Well, I hope you know that she is in a better place now." The reported stated

"That wraps up this case for right now. We don't know what caused the crash. But we will keep you posted. Back..."

Josh switched off the TV. He was sobbing. He finally got the courage to get off the couch. And walked up to Anastasia's room. He took a quick glance at everything. And just fell to his knees, sobbing.

The end.

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