end? there is no end!

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Sometimes...I get this feeling. I don't know how to explain it. It always happens before something happens. Someone sneaking up me. Knowing when and where someone will come in. Running through countless outcomes in my head. I've done the tests. Done the training. Federation ops say I'm not phycic. I could have told them them. I can't read minds. I don't really know when it happens or how it will end. I don't think or do anything. It just happens. I get a pit in my stumic. My ears start to ring and my legs shake like I'm about to fight for my life. I'm not scared but I'm not excited. I'm calm. Even in a fight when it comes, I'm still calm. I can think clearly but everything seems to slow down. I can see every detail. I note the tones, how quite is gets or how loud people are being. My body knows what's about to happen and know when act. It's an automatic instinct. The doctors say is a new phenomenon only 1 in 1 million people have. They aren't calling it anything yet but I like to call it 'overdrive'. Everything slows down but me. I move so fast that I can bearly process what I'm doing even though I'm reacting accordingly. The others have it to and with our suits, it only increases it's potency. We can run 5 miles in 10 minutes, react to danger in a single second, and jump up 20 feet in the air when the ground bearly shifts. Sometimes we scare the shit out of the trainers with how fast we move and how accurate with our shots are. It doesn't bother me that we scare them but what does bother me is how isolated we are. At first I was with the 16th mobile infantry airborne unit. We were the first in and last out. I just got out of boot camp when the invasion of big K happened. I was lucky enough to get to the unit when the invasion failed. Half of the brigade was slaughtered. Then I was deployed at kwalasha to take out hives and secure mining rigs. I was the first in every cave. Every time we came out, we lost half of our squad. We cleared about 9 hives. Then there was the 10th. The bugs turned it into a super hive. The tunnels connected to every single hive in a 100 mile radius. We got reinforced with MK2 Troopers. We faces Tigers, worriers, bombadeers, tankers, and discovered royal guards were everywhere. 500 Troopers went in. I was the only one who cane out. I tried saving as many people as I could but...I failed. We lost most of the 'squad' before we even got to the center of the damn cave. One of the MK2's, the last one shot a piller with a grande and the whole place came down. Whoever was left died then. Crushed or ripped in half by the left over bugs. I can still hear thier screams in my nightmares. I spent 3 days in there. I ran for half of it. I didn't sleep. I came out with 250 tags, covered in blood, guts, and a royal guards spine in my leg. I still don't know how I survived. I came out to the power Troopers standing guard and pulling out a brain. As soon as the brain came out, we were ambushed. The power trooper infront of me got killed instantly. His armer fell on me. I grabbed his gun and in a fit filled with pure fear and anger, I killed the brain as the bugs that ambushed us were taken out by the left over power Troopers. I was bedridden for almost a year. I didn't need therapy but I needed an armed guard of power Troopers to keep me from getting back into the fight. Now...here I am. On the MIA list with nothing to go back to. The deathtroopers are my family. Only 3 of us. We train, work, sleep, eat, shit...we do everything togeather. Now, at the end, we're being split to handle missions that will take thousands of bodies to complete. We trained for this. We are ment for this. Now, time to end the endless war.

"The first mission"
"Alright. Just cause you lead your squad back in your boot camp, doesn't mean you can take any squad you want. That goes for resuce to.

I've never seen your kind of suit before but something tells me it's good. I've been told by phsy ops that your a new trooper who ready for some field testing. They didn't give me specifics but I do know that your supposed to be a one man army. The ipitamy of 'last man standing' or 'human arsenal incarnate'. I for one don't like or trust those assholes. All I know is I have Troopers who are scattered all across this bug infested rock that need to be pulled out. That's where you come trooper.

I'm general Mariece Grover, commander of the 325th power trooper detachment and your new commanding officer. You work directly under me witch means anything that comes out of your mouth is treated like it's a direct command from me. I'm told your current rank is 'lieutenant colonel'. It's the ranks the mouraders use. You outrank 90% of the MI but don't let that get to your head, you hear me? I'm sure you've heard the now colonel Rico say 'good Troopers follow orders', that's what you are. If I say you fall in under a sergeant, I mean it.

Now that's out of the way, we have a mess clean up and my Troopers are smack dab in the middle of it all. I've lost alot of good Troopers here and I'm ready to chew out the commanding offers ass for that. He's also in alot of trouble for losing most of his brigade. That's over 750 Troopers. In my minds eyes, every trooper is valuable. I take the 'no man left behind' personal and now that means you to but something tells me you have a good moral Compas. I need to see it and you in action. I'm dropping you in furthest known location of one of my teams who got lost trying to extract some Troopers who were ordered into the grinder. We've got hives everywhere on this rock and terran command issued a planet wide evacuation. This planets to far gone and I was authorized to crack it but I'm not letting the Q-bomb get on a bird until every single trooper who's alive is off of that planet, wounded or not, all of them are comming off. I have a clean up squad who'll pick up as  many of the fallen Troopers as possible so they can as least have a proper send off. They will be one step behind you every way so you don't have to pay attention to them.

The garrison you'll be making your way to is 'Finchin fortress', named after the cowered that's commanding it right now. I haven't heard anything come from that place so I'm assuming the worst but hoping there's at least someone still I'm there. Your drop zone won't be quite but I expect you to move quick. Plasma bugs don't know we're here but as soon as they figure out we are, I'll have to pull back the command ship. I have birds drifting around the planet trying to pick up stragglers but by the time the engines start up, the Troopers are overwhelmed. The bugs know exactly witch squad is about to be picked up and attackes in full force. This ends now. Put your focus onto the smaller squads and get them out. My Troopers are the best of the best and can hold out for as long as they need to but everyone is running low on ammo. I've got your radio channel so I'll be down there with you to keep you posted. That means you keep me posted to. You scratch my back, I scratch yours kinda deal.

Do NOT be a hero. The last one who tried to be one didn't make it out. He did save lives that terran command value alot though. Don't go after the hives. Finchin tried and they failed missurably. Try and avoid them as much as possible. The bug have this rock and if they even think someone is there, you'll have an army of royal guards ready to chew your head off. I have a very high expectation from you and both you and I prey it'll be met. There's a drop pod ready for you in the hanger. As soon as you hit the ground, I'll radio you. Get moving trooper! We've got work to do!"

One hellva first mission. I already like this guy. Time to show him and MI what the deathtroopers were made for.

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