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Adrian's POV

"Damnit Rolyn!" I yelled at my brother grabbing him by his collar.

"What, you know it's true brother!" Rolyn spat back at me.

Man, what he said really made my blood boil, but I had to stay calm, like hell was I gonna let my brother get under my skin.

I shove him away, "Leave my office Rolyn." I fix my suit then sit down at my desk.

Rolyn left my office slamming the door as he left. I leaned back in my chair with a heavy sigh. I got up from my desk leaving my office. I headed for the front door when my father asked where I was going.

I just told him I needed some air. I changed into my wolf and ran for the edge of our territory. I thought if I'm gonna blow off some steam I might as well check for any rogues.

I hate that my brother gets to me like that, I don't want a mate. Having a mate is just having a weakness you have no control over. So why does his words bother me so. Angry? My wolf Ice won't leave me alone about a mate, he says they will make me stronger. But all I see is a liability.

I run by the great willow that sits at the edge of my territory. The wind suddenly changes direction and my wolf stops making my feet fumble over one another and I go tumbling into a tree.

I stood up and shook the leaves and grass off my back, when I got another whiff my fur stood on end and Ice wouldn't relax.

'Ice calm down!' He wouldn't listen, as soon as he figured out where the smell was coming from, he took off towards the great willow.

'Damnit Ice!' I hate how we are never in-sink. It makes it hard to stay in control around my parents. The smell hit me like a rock, then once I came to my senses, Ice is sniffing some girls neck.

'Mate.' He tells me, I take full control over my wolf form and step away from her. I shake my head and go behind a tree and changes back pulling a backpack of cloths down from the tree I stashed here.

I peak out from behind a tree, the smell of burnt iron and burnt flesh stung my nose. I get a closer look, her hair is as black as the night sky, her scent smells of lilies and sweet berries. It made my wolf crazy. I had to hold myself back, something inside me wanted her, yurned for her. I notice the burn marks on the back of her shirt that was drenched in blood.

I lift the back of her shirt and see that there's burned whip marks all over her back. I could feel my blood boiling, seeing all those marks on her make made me want to kill the person responsible for this.

When I put her shirt down she jerked awake, moving away from me in a hurry pushing her back against the tree. She screams a ear acking scream, making my wolf whimper.

I try to calm her down but she want nothing to do with me until suddenly she collapsed. I catch her head before she hit the ground.

I pick her up and quickly take her to the pack house. 'Kenneth! Do you hear me?' I mind link my beta.

'Yes Alpha Adrian. What is it Alpha?' Kenneth asked.

'Call the pack doctor and tell him to meet me at the pack house. Now!' I kick open the pack house doors making everyone in the hall turn my direction.

"What is everybody looking at?!" As I take her to my room I give people directions on what to do. I ask one person to get hydrogen peroxide, I ask another to get bandaging and gauze. I ask another to get new clothes hopefully in her size and I ask my mother to run a herbal bath and undress her.

When I place her on my bed she jerks awake. She tries to crawl away from me. "Shh it's alright, my mother will come in here to help you, I'll be right outside alright."

I mind link my mother 'You can come in she's awake bring one assistant in alright I don't want to over crowd her.'

'Alright mi' my mother comes in with Tori her right hand girl. I step outside my room and shut the door, waiting for the doctor. I pace back and forth, I try several times to mind link my brother but he blocks me out. My mind snaps back when the doctor approaches me.

I let him inside my room when only a few minutes later he is flung back out breaking my double doors off its hinges. I look into my room to see my mothers assistant Tori standing over my mother protecting her from the women holding what appears to be the leg to a chair that was hurled against the wall.

I quickly go over to my mother to make sure she's not injured before standing back up and looking at her, the scent of her blood encasing my mind. I shake my head to focus, I slowly reach out my hands to show I'm not a threat.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I grab the gauze and wrap it around my arm. "I want to wrap your wounds." I shooed everyone out of the room. I continued to approach her holding a fresh gauze. She let me wrap her arm and patch up a few cuts on her face, she moved away when I tried to clean up her back.

Once I finished up the cuts she lets me clean and bandage, I leave her alone in my room. Someone fixed my doors so she could have privacy. I meet with my mother and father in my office along with Kenneth and Tori.

"Where did she come from? Where did you find her?" Kenneth asked looking at me with utter confusion in his eyes.

"I found her by the great willow, she was passed out. I could smell her blood as I was running patrol." I cross my arms thinking if she came from one of the neighbouring packs.

"Well once she's healed up she can't stay here. We don't know her and we don't want her to bring her problems to our pack." My mother says with a slight authoritative tone of voice. As her being the active Luna she has enough power to not make anyone question her decision, well anyone except me and my brother.

I let out a growl to my mothers acclimation to her leaving. My mothers eyes open wide, never once have I growled at my mother ever, but when my mother mentioned kicking her out I lost my cool. I didn't want her way from me, I didn't want to be away from her.

"Adrian? Are you alright?" She sent everyone else away but father.

"I'm fine mother just having an off day." I rub the bridge of my nose. I try to leave and go back to my office, but my father stops me before I go.

"Is there something your not telling us?" He grabs my arm, He does this when he tries to assert his Alpha dominance on me, but I just brush his hand away.

"Everything's fine father." I turn and head to my office. I sat in my office chair letting out a sigh finally having a moment to breath after everything that's happened. I start calling to the packs around our area when I could smell her, her scent lingering on me. As soon as I hang up the phone my beta barges into my office.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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