🕊 One • Kiss Me 🕊

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I'm nervous. Fingers crossed 🤞


Being the younger daughter of the country's prime minister could never stop Sahana from crossing the boundaries. Boundaries that came with her family's political influence. She was tagged as a rebel by the media. She didn't mind being called rebel. At least, it was better than being called Abhimanyu Raval's fiancee.

She used to think she could only have two possible relations with him. Either he will become her brother-in-law by marrying her elder sister or he will become her Rakhi brother. Unfortunately, her sister Angana was smart enough to break up with him. And unfortunately, even after calling him Bhaiya all her childhood, she was wearing the engagement ring with his initial engraved on it.

But was she being forced into all this? Nope. She took this trouble on herself by her own will because of two reasons. First reason being her mother's desire to keep the power in the family which could only be done if Sahana marries Abhimanyu. Second reason was her own desire to make his life hell. She hated him. Even though she wasn't sure why she hated him. But still she hated him. She hated him to the extent where she got his car crashed just because she was angry over the fact the everyone was telling her that she will eventually end up marrying Abhimanyu. Now that's a different thing that he very well knew it was her deed and took the revenge by exposing the tax evasion she was doing for past two years.

And that's how she reached Delhi, standing in her mother's office with her head hung low in embarrassment.

“Sahana, do you know what would have happened if you doing tax evasion was leaked in the public?”  Her mother Chahana asked in a calm yet angry tone.

“Umm... I had made sure it doesn't get leaked. I don't know how Abhimanyu found it.”  She mumbled.

“You should be glad it was him and not any shortselling company. Being prime minister's daughter puts you in limelight both inside and outside the country. Stop doing tax evasion. Your clothing line won't be effected much if you start paying taxes. My own daughter is running away from tax. How can I expect other businessmen to pay tax then?”  Her mother taunted her. And man, it stung like a thousand needles.

“I'm not the only one doing tax evasion.”  Sahana argued.

“You can invest your money if you don't want to pay tax. You can save your money through ethical ways too.”

“Investments are a risky task, Mom. It seemed like the easist option to me.”  She knew she was sounding dumb.

“It could have doomed my political career, Saani. Do you understand that?”

“Yeah.”  She nods her head.

“Stop doing tax evasions then. I saved you this time but I can't guarantee if I'll be saving you again.”

“Alright, I won't do it.”  Finally Sahana gave in.

“I hope you stick to your words. You can leave now.”

With that being said, Sahana walked out of her mother's office, cursing Abhimanyu in her head. But again, it was nothing in front of what she did to him. He got his arm fractured in the crash. Though she didn't remember which one it was. Maybe the right arm. No, the left arm, maybe. And this confusion shows the importance Abhimanyu had in her life. Close to none.

Their engagement had happened in the hospital itself. He was lying on the hospital bed. Their parents standing around them. She put the ring on his left hand's ring finger. Oh yes, his right arm was fractured.

“Ah, why did I agree to marry him?”  She mentally cries while sitting in the backseat of the white car that was supposed to drop her to the airport.

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