Hello Stars

297 8 48

Requested by: Kai_The_Poet

A/N I went a little off the request for this one, I'm sorry /gen. However, it follows about the same idea.

TW: implied self-harm, neglection, swearing, 

-Apo's POV-

As I made my way through town, I found myself at the docks of my faction. I did like coming here, it was a nice place to go just to think about life.

Unfortunately, Acho had beaten me to the spot. I had let him in the past, star always seemed to be mumbling something while looking up at the stars.

Tonight was no different.

I slowly crept up on Acho, but stopped as I heard what star said.

"H-hey stars... Haven't been doing great recently. I still haven't gotten out of that... hurting habit" Acho said the last part rather guiltily. "I wish you were still here..."

I stayed put, wondering what Acho would say next. But I felt I should intervene soon.

"I still have marks. But that's not why I'm here, it's to check in with you!" I felt my heart crack slightly from how star was acting, like it didn't matter they were hurting.

"Acho," Acho flinched at hearing my voice. Star turned his head with a fearful expression, but quickly covered it.

"H-hey, Apo!! How are y-you?" Star hurriedly put on a fake smile. "U-uhm... How long have you been there?"

"Acho... You okay?" My eyes softened, something they rarely did. God, the Nightingale was really growing on me. "And, I heard it all."

I finally moved and sat next to Acho, dangling my feet over the edge and watching as the water rippled.

"U-uhm..." I watched Acho frantically search for something to say but to no avail.

"Here, have a hug," I pulled Acho closer and into a hug, star returned it and nuzzled star's head into my shoulder. "Now, you okay?"

"No..." Acho responded quietly. I squeezed star tighter as I saw his eyes fill with sadness. "My parents came back today..."

My eyes widened. "Oh... I'm sorry. I'm guessing you don't have a good relationship with them?"

I felt Acho grab at the back of my shirt as I heard star start to sniffle. "No, th-they completely fucked up my life. They always liked S-Scott more a-and they never cared!" Star yelled as his tears soaked my shirt.

"Acho... I'm so sorry," I felt my stomach twist with hatred. I wished I could go to Acho's parents and do horrible, horrible things to them.

"They've just changed my p-perception of life. I-I feel like I have to d-do everything right..." Acho trailed off and star sobbed into my shoulder again.

"Acho, you never have to do anything. You're perfect just as you," I rubbed star's back. Acho hummed.

"B-but... What w-will I do when I-I have to t-talk to them?" Acho's eyes were already red and puffy from crying.

"You can bring me with you!" I smiled. 

"Really?" Acho's eyes widened.


Star tackled me into another tight hug. "Th-thank you..."

I smiled again, "Of course, just tell me when." Acho smiled weakly.


I slowly stood up and helped star to their feet. "Let's go home, you need rest," Acho nodded.

He took a deep breath, "Okay! I got this!" I smiled, happy to see Acho determined. 

"You do got this. You'll do amazing!" 




Acho and I lay in the tavern rooms, exhausted. Acho had only come into my room for a hug, and star was then fast asleep. I smiled softly, but I also felt sympathy for the young Nightingale. Star had been through so much.

I sighed, I was too tired to keep my eyes open any longer. 

I climbed into bed and, for a few minutes, just thought about my faction.

Maybe I would like the Nightingales more than I thought... 

EEEEE comfort!!! Sorry that took so long to get out, I, once again, had no motivation. I have some more one-shots that I'll be working on, but they probably won't be finished for a bit. I have school and my main story that I'm also working on, but I promise to get them out when I can!!

This chapter was also shorter than I wanted but it's okay.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day/night or whatever time it is for you!!

Word count: 687 words

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