Chapter 37

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Jungkook's POV

"I'm fine, Mom. Just go do what you need to do."

I love my mother and her worry but I don't need it 24/7

"Are you sure? I can stay here with you until you heal 100%"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm fine really. The bruises will go away and my ribs will get better. Go to work mom, I have school work to catch up on."

I watched as she left my room. We've arrived back to Korea two days ago and I could not be happier to be home. In my own bed.

I am unable to go to school physically but I am taking online classes until further notice. My brothers are either at work or school so I'm alone with my mom who decided to work from home as well.

"Ok what class is it right now?" I checked the time. 8:58 "Math in two minutes."

I pull out my computer and log into my class.

"Good morning, Jungkook. You are the first in my class."

My teacher said. I smirked. Turning on my mic I spoke. "Well, I'm only a minute early." I never have my camera on. I like it better when no one can see the bruise on my collar bones. Joon really did a number on me during his CPR.

I was nocked out of my thoughts when laughter and background talking came out of my laptop's speaker.

"Ok kids, settle down. I have Jungkook on the board so I'll be able to hear him better. Now! Who is excited for Trig!"

All I heard were groans. I laughed at my class's reaction. "Same." I spoke into the mic before muting it again.

It's going to be a long day.

~~Time Skip~~

"Here you go, my Kookie. The lunch you wanted." My mom placed a plate on top of my little bed table. I smiled. "Thank you!"

She smiled before leaving me alone again. Just a Club Sandwich. I love sandwiches, fast and easy to make.

I take a sip from my drink as I continued to do my math homework before my next class.

As I was answering a question I hear my mom talking on the phone. "He did what? Ok, do you need me down there?" Silence. "Ok, just be gentle with him ok? I love you too."

I was intrigued to say the lease. That was when my mom came back to my room. I made sure it looked like I was working. "Well, your brother is in trouble for starting a fight at school. He'll be here soon."

"Which brother? Taehyung or Jimin?" I took a bite out of my sandwich.


I almost choked on my bread. "Jimin!? But he's an angle?" My mom tried patting my back. "I know, that is why I believe someone had to do something to make him angry enough to throw the first punch."

Hm. Interesting. Jimin is like second place in 'The Most Scary When Angry' podium due to the fact it takes a lot to get him pissed off but to get him to punch someone! That's a whole other scale of pissing him off.


I was currently speaking English for my class when yelling was heard somewhere outside my room.

"I....want to go to....Ree..ster...."


I stopped my words at Jimin's voice yelling throughout the house.

"Jimin you need to take responsibility and own up to your actions! The boy is in the hospital! do you know what could happen to you if his parents file a lawsuit!?"

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