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When I woke up Nightmare was staring at me. "Ugh, you don't pass out either?" I asked him standing up.


"You and Lloyd are lucky," I grumbled. I looked around and saw we were surrounded by sand. "Well, at least we made it."

Do you not trust me?

I glared. "Yes, I trust you." I started walking and he followed. Surprisingly the guards just let us walk in. I walked straight to the Kage's office. I knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I opened it and saw Kankuro, Baki, and Gaara were there. "Hey," I said smiling.

Gaara stood up. "Y/n. What are you doing here?"

I looked at each of them in the eye. "Let me catch you up to speed with what's going on. We went to a sideways version of Ninjago. I was captured along with that other Lloyd. I was killed, Lloyd killed Liam, and I was brought back to life. I quit being a princess and Lloyd proposed." I paused. "Recently we found out that Liam was alive and we ran into him earlier. He wants a war so I'm going to the other worlds and asking if you guys will help us fight him."

Kankuro instantly nodded. "That ass whole destroyed so many places while we were here. We'll help you."

I smiled. "Isn't it supposed to be the Kazekage's choice?"

"Yes, it is," Baki said glaring at Kankuro.

Nightmare growled and I shook my head at him. Don't get involved, I told him. Gaara thought for a minute. "It would help a lot of people who are angry at him if they had a chance to fight him," Gaara said slowly. "Konoha is angry on our behalf as well." He looked at me. "We'll join you. But Konoha will have to join us."

I nodded. "The more the better."

It's 'the more the merrier', Nightmare said.

Shut up. That wouldn't make sense in this situation, I replied. Kankuro raced out of the room. "Would you like to go now and stay with us? Or wait and we open a portal so you can come when we are on the battlefield?" I asked.

He smiled. "Open the portal when they start saying that your army is small. That way they'll see that they are wrong."

"Sounds great." I sighed when Nightmare bumped my hip with his nose. "We have to go to the next world to gather the last few people."

He nodded. "Then we'll see you on the battlefield."

I paused. "I know a hawk that can travel to different worlds. I'll send him to you with any information we're getting and the day of the first battle."


Nightmare and I left. When we were far enough away from Suna, he created another portal. I, of course, passed out again. When I woke up, I was surrounded by the sideways Ninjago's Ninja. "Hi," I said standing up.

"You have a dragon," this world's Nya said.

I looked at Nightmare. "Yeah. He's helping me gather allies for what's to come."

"You died," Lloyd said. "I saw you die."

I chuckled. "I did die. But the FSM decided that I should be brought back since my fiancee had been destroying things in our world." I looked at them. "He had killed Liam but Liam is somehow back. We're gathering allies because he's starting a war with us. I already went to One World and they agreed to help. Will you help?"

Lloyd nodded firmly. "We'll help."

"This world's Garmadon just turned to our side," Nya said. "So we'll have his help and his armies.  We'll have Lady Iron Dragon to help us too." 

Lloyd scowled. "She's my mom."


I giggled. "Alright, alright. Would you guys like to come to our world now? Or wait until the day of the first battle?"

"What did the other world say?" Lloyd asked.

"They will wait for the first battle."

"I don't want to wait that long to meet the other me," Nya said.

Lloyd's eyes narrowed at her. "You do know that having them around will be difficult, right? We all have the same names."

"Minus your moms," I told him.

"Right, you said his mom was named Misako," he said.


"But their dads have the same name?" Kai asked.

"Yes. So does Wu and the other yous. Only difference is there's Pixel, Skylar, and Vania in my world," I said. "Of course, there are few others but those aren't very notable at the moment."

"Who's Pixel, Skylar, and Vania?" Cole asked.

I grinned. "Zane's girlfriend is Pixel, Skylar is Kai's girlfriend, and Vania is Cole's girlfriend." I pause. "Though Vania and Cole rarely see each other."

"We have girlfriends in your world?!? Kai said.

I laughed. "Yes."

"What about me and Jay?" Nya asked. "You hadn't said anyone for us."

I frowned. "Is it not obvious? The Jay and Nya in my world are Yin and Yang."

Nya and Jay stared at each other. "Wow," Jay said.

"What about Master Wu? Does he have anyone?" Kai asked eagerly.

I snorted. "No, but he's in love with Misako. But since our Garmadon is married to her and stuff they aren't together." I looked at Lloyd. "Harumi is with us too along with her boyfriend."

"Okay," he said.

"Can we go now?" Nya asked hopeful.

I shrugged. "You have to get everyone from here to come now too."

"Master Wu, Koko, Garmadon, his army, and us," Zane said.


"We can get them easily. Be right back," Kai said and they were gone.

I looked at Nightmare. "Well, that went well."

He snorted and steam came out. Sure.

They were back in twenty minutes with everyone. I looked around at all the people. "Wow," I murmured.

"Perfect for an army," Nya said happily.

I smiled at her. "Don't forget we have people already in my Ninjago and people going to be coming on the day of the first battle."

She nodded. "That too."

"So when is that battle?" Garamdon asked.

I shook my head. "I have no idea. Liam was just getting his people together when I left."

"Which I doubt the other me liked," Lloyd muttered.

I chuckled. "He didn't but it needed to be done." I turned to Nightmare. "Are you going to open the portal?"

Only if they know what they need to do.

I huffed. "They know what they need to do, Nightmare."

He looked at each of them. I don't think they're going to pass out.

I glared. "You are so lucky they can't hear a word you're saying," I growled at him.

"He probably said something about you passing out when you came through," Nya said.

I scowled. "Well, he says you guys might not pass out so I'm just going to say this. You're lucky." I looked at this world's Lloyd. "Since I am going to pass out, I'm appointing you to be the one to tell my Lloyd everything."

He nodded. "Got it."

I turned to Nightmare. "Well?" He made the portal and everyone went through. I went last and as soon as I did, I passed out.

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