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If she didn't do it one night, she'd have  to make up for it in the morning. 

So when she's on the plane, she starts to squirm.

Her daily habits are fairly normal, but when push came to shove, she would never let her routine break.

Harriet desperately pleaded for her phone many times, but of course her loyal protectors wouldn't let her communicate with her friends.

A voice on the intercom, Harriet assumes, says the plane would be landing soon. 

The words fill her to the brim with happiness.

She just hopes that happiness won't be short lived.

After thirty minutes that felt like thirty hours, the plane starts to lower to the ground, a light shake erupting though the isles.

Harriet chews on some gum another attendant gave her for the landing, sighing with relief when the plane stops.

Finally. Home sweet ground.

Sasha, on the other hand, looks incredibly nervous to be landing, fidgeting with her nails and biting her lower lip as Joshua lightly traces reassuring circles on her arms.

Harriet observes quietly, finding it unusual that someone would take comfort in being on a plane; they're nasty things, in her opinion.

When everyone is off the plane, Harriet finally registers it.

She's in New York City.

If it were under any other circumstances, she would've been smiling.

But when she thinks about how she was drugged and taken against her will, Harriet isn't as happy as most people would think.


a/n: i have no idea why i use snowmen for my paragraphing :l    hope u enjoyed this chapter, it took ages to write! just informing i will be changing the cover for jackalope, so if you can't see it in your readings, it would look a bit different. 

HI OMD i just realized i accidentally rewrote some of this in chapter eight ignore that thx 

love ya'll,

xo, -cie☃

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