Chapter 4 - Goodbye Ryan Kerr

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I was carried further into the dark recesses of Freddy Fazebear Pizzeria, my struggles against Freddy Fazebear's vice-like grip proving futile. The relentless animatronic moved with an eerie determination, his lifeless eyes fixed on an unknown destination.

As I was ushered into a room I hadn't seen before, I found myself surrounded by unused animatronics. They stood motionless, their colourful costumes and lifeless eyes a haunting reminder of the inanimate companions that had come to life to torment me each night. The room was shrouded in darkness, and the animatronics seemed like silent sentinels, guarding the secrets of Freddy Fazebear Pizzeria.

My eyes widened as I was carried toward a peculiar animatronic, one I hadn't encountered before. It was a black wolf, standing tall and imposing, its mechanical joints poised in a posture that exuded a punk rock attitude. The animatronic wore a set of clothing that seemed designed to mimic a gothic rock star, with a purple belt and a purple electric guitar strapped around its neck.

In the midst of the terror and the relentless pursuit, I couldn't help but find this particular animatronic strangely captivating. It exuded a cool and edgy presence that was in stark contrast to the whimsical characters I had grown accustomed to. I found myself almost admiring the creativity and uniqueness of the design.

However, any sense of fascination was abruptly shattered when I felt Freddy Fazebear forcibly stuff me into the black wolf suit. My cries for help and the sounds of my struggles fell on deaf ears as the animatronics mechanical strength overwhelmed me. The confines of the suit closed in around me, the mechanical jaws snapping shut, and darkness enveloped me.

Silence reigned as my consciousness faded into an abyss of dread. My vision was shrouded in darkness, and I could feel the cold, metallic interior of the animatronic suit pressing against my body. The silence was punctuated by the faint whirring of machinery, a chilling reminder of my grim fate.

As my world shrank to the confines of the animatronic suit, the darkness enveloped me, and my struggles became futile. I could feel the cold, metallic interior pressing against my body, my limbs immobilized, and a suffocating sense of despair washing over me. In my desperation, I couldn't help but let out a scream for help, a cry for anyone who might hear me.

Amidst my terrified screams, my tears flowed freely, their salty streams blurring my vision. In the dimness, I felt a single teardrop trickle down my face and land on the exposed wire. What followed was a searing, agonizing jolt of pain that coursed through my body.

Twisted pieces of metal shot into my limbs, prying my bones apart; twisting my limbs out of socket; crushing my tender flesh underneath their unrelenting push.

I screamed.

Oh God oh God oh God.

My body tried to collapse, but the animatronic pieces inched ever closer, keeping me locked upright. I teetered and fell against the wall, waist bending and only jolting the beams further into my body.

"Oh, God!"

I writhed frantically, screams and sobs still pulling themselves out of my throat even as it pooled with blood. Each twist only served to worsen my position. Agony was a friendly way of putting it; it was all-encompassing, and I didn't remember where I was or what I was doing or even my own name; only pain pain oh God.

"Oh, God!"

Soon, I couldn't move my lower body at all, the devices there having persisted in literally demolishing the bones and tearing the muscles and tendons away. They were still twisting into place in my arms and face, continuing to cement me into place further and further.

"Get it off!"

My wrists and hands tore off entirely, wires and metal mashing them to a pulp, and my arms soon followed.


Ribs spread like a bird's wings to make way and I could barely suck in a tiny breath; not enough to satisfy my lungs as they screamed for more.


It was barely a whisper, broken by terrible, choked sobs and the guttural, wet tearing of flesh. For some reason, I wanted to be comforted by the sound, but I didn't know why the sound of death would please me. I knew OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD PAIN PAIN MAKE IT STOP!

"Please... someone..."

Sharp devices pressed against the junction of my jaw, edging in with an almost gleeful malice and pulling my skull apart, painstakingly slow.

"God, please..."

It popped out of socket, then split violently from the rest of my head, resting snugly in the animatronic face and forcing the mangled remains of my mouth into a mocking, painful rictus of a smile

"Death can be so cruel"

They gently sat the animatronic wolf down on the floor and cleaned up any blood so that Mr. Fazbear and anyone else wouldn't notice anything.

Though they think Mr. Fazbear already knows what they do since he never questions where the missing guards are at or how they left the building. So they assume the same will happen with this one.


Meanwhile, Laith, Sam, and Heather arrived at the pizzeria, driven by the urgency of my call. They burst through the entrance, their hearts heavy with concern and fear for my safety. They had no way of knowing the horrors that awaited them inside.

The pizzeria was eerily silent as they stepped into the dimly lit corridors, their flashlights cutting through the darkness. The pizzeria's interior was exactly as I had described it, with tables and chairs meticulously arranged, party decorations untouched, and the animatronics standing lifeless and motionless on the stage.

Laith's voice trembled as he called out my name, his eyes darting around the room. "Ryan! Where are you?"

Sam, equally alarmed, scanned the area with his flashlight. "This place is giving me the creeps. Ryan, this isn't funny."

Heather clung to hope, her voice anxious. "Ryan, sweetheart, please, if this is a prank, it's gone too far. Show yourself."

But there was no response, no sign of my presence. The police officers they had brought with them began to inspect the security cameras, searching for any indication of my whereabouts. To their bewilderment, the footage revealed nothing unusual. The cameras showed an empty, motionless pizzeria, as if no one had ever been there.

The police officers exchanged skeptical glances, their expressions a mix of confusion and amusement. They couldn't fathom what was happening. One of them, Detective Reynolds, stifled a chuckle and said, "You know, this looks like a prank, folks. Are you sure your friend didn't just make up a story for some fun?"

Laith and Sam were incredulous, frustration and fear welling up inside them. "No, you don't understand," Sam protested. "He was in trouble. We heard him screaming on the phone. This is not a joke."

Heather's voice quivered as she pleaded with the officers. "Please, you have to help us find him. He's just a teenager, and he wouldn't make something like this up."

The officers continued to examine the security cameras, but the animatronics stood lifeless on the screens, and the dimly lit corridors revealed no clues. Detective Reynolds couldn't hide his skepticism. "There's nothing here, folks. It's possible your friend is playing a prank on you. We can't investigate a non-existent incident."

Laith's frustration turned to desperation as he pleaded with the officers. "Please, you have to believe us. This place is not what it seems. We have to find Ryan."

Sam's voice quivered with fear as he added, "We heard him screaming. There's something terribly wrong here."

But the officers remained unconvinced, their laughter echoing through the empty pizzeria. They dismissed the situation as a prank, and as they left the pizzeria, my friends were left feeling helpless and terrified.

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