did I fall in love with you?

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What if, what if, what if
How many times
I Heard this question

"What if you risk and win?"
"What if you get what You want?"
"What if this time works out?"
But... What if i'm scared as hell?

I don't want another heart broken
Or my anxiety to get worst
I don't even want my head full of thougths.

But at the same time
It's been a while...
And I deserve another chance.
And maybe, he is the one.

This familiar feeling
This emotion for our first conversation.
I like the reactions he made me to have.

I don't know him,
He is a stranger.
But this stranger make me curious since de moment I saw him.

But, what if I don't now how to be friends?
What if I don't now what else I can say?
What if I am stucked and don't know what move make next?

I only know the fact,
that I want him in my life.
What if... He don't want the same I want?
I don't know, just lets finds out.


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