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"Imma miss you"I sighed as I hugged pharaoh's for he last time as he goes in a business trip.

I held kai and he cried and screamed for his dad.

"Make sure you call use everyday now!U only there for business nothing else!Get that deal and come home!"I smiled and gave pharaoh a kiss and hug as he boarded his private jet.

We entered the car and made our way to our main house.I walked and place a sleeping kai in bed as I walked downstairs and decided to clean and move some things around.

I walked back upstairs and saw kai still asleep so I took him up and made my way to the office and place him in his little bedroom area.I caught up on some paper work and calls from the office and stuff.

Jayda called and I immediately answered

Me:Hey girl

Jayda:Hey,I'm on my way so welcome me bitch

Me:Bitch please I'm in the office

I ended the call and sat back thinking about this mommy sleepover.Yes jayda finally got to know where we live due to the guys mission and me being all alone here,so we decided to let jayda stay until pharaoh return from his business meeting .

The door opened as jayda quietly ran and place a sleeping D'Angelo beside kai."Baby heavy asf!"She breathe out and placed her bag one side and opened her laptop and began some paper work.

I sighed as I read my mom message

Jayda:Gurl you good.?

Me:No,Why everyone is pushing me to see my sister.?that bitch wished death on kai!Hell no

Jayda:I mean she did go through a miscarriage

Me:Thats not excuse for wishing death on my child,My child not the reason of yours death!If she wished death on your-

Jayda:Thats bitch would be dead instead the fuck


Me:Thank you some sense at last but anyways girl our boys birthdays are soon here

Jayda:Yeah let's do something together the big 1

Me:Yeah,can't wait

Jayda:To have another one.?

Me:Girl.!I got some stuff to do then we could talk bout babies

The phone rang and I answered.



Me:Hey,how are you!?Haven't heard or seen you in a while!wassup?

Mr.B:Oh nothing much just was calling to ask pharoah about a meeting sooner or later.

I stopped talking and stared at the phone.I know this man did not lie to me!I quickly ended the call and called pharaoh and he never answered any of my 21 calls

Jayda:Girl why you calling?Then y'all wonder why I block the fuck outta y'all!

Me:Pharaoh told me he going on a business trip with me.B but mr.b just called and ask for him to start a meeting as soon as possible.

Jayda pulled out her phone and called dom and he never answered.We nodded and scrolled through instagram as my fans sent me a picture

We nodded and scrolled through instagram as my fans sent me a picture

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"Wow"I laughed and sat back

"Hey no shade but you badder baby and plus he int looking at her like that!Not like she the one we got the problem with"jayda ranted on

"You right it was my sister so I can't blame dream"I sat back and stared at he picture and recognized his location.

"This nigga is not in mf Houston,He's in New York ! "I shook my head and laughed.

"You got to be kidding girl?!So dom also lied.We not even together,you trying to get me back but lying to me bruh!Plus you not answering the calls!"jayda stared at her phone as she spoke

"Hmmm wait until they return,It's suppose to be only one day!Tomorrow he'll see wassup cause now I'm bout to divorce yo ass!"

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