Chapter 1

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Just about everyone wants to find "the one." Such a task seems impossible to accomplish. Your chances are like becoming a professional athlete, winning the lottery, or becoming a celebrity: A million to one.

The stars were dancing in the skies in the suburbs of Miami. My girlfriend and I were lying down, just enjoying the beauty of the night skies. She did not know that I was planning on making her my fiance that night. We have been together since her freshman year in college. I was a Junior.

I remember how we first met. She was asking a dorm advisor where her room is located. The advisor asked for her name. Alice. The beautiful lady's name was Alice. The advisor found her name listed under Dorm set D, room 121.

As the advisor asked to get someone to assist her, I made a daring decision. I approached the two, and said I will help her find her dorm. Once I said that, she observed my appearance. After she finished, she smiled. I was attractive in her oppinion.

I walked with her till we made it to her dorm. Of course, I carried her belongings for her. I don't know if I'm out of shape or women just have an innumerous amount of possessions in their bags. Carrying her belongings, acting like I'm not tired, and keeping a conversation was exhausting. Once I set her stuff down in her dorm, I told her where my dorm was, and if she needed help she can drop by anytime.

Later that evening there was a knock on my door. I wondered who could it be. Then I realized it could be Alice. Every step I took towards the door, my heart began to beat faster. I looked through the peephole, Alice is here.

I opened the door and she murmured, "Hey do you want to...," then stopped. There was a slight awkward silence till she said, "Do you have any restaurant recommendations?"

I said, "Yes, Red Palace is right off campus." Then I made another daring decision, "Want to go eat dinner there?"

She smiled, fixed her hair, and said, "Let's go." Those words gave me the biggest sense of relief and internal celebration.

It was an interesting date. First thing being, date was unplanned. Second being the events that occurred during the date.

First of all, nobody else was at Red Palace. Alice told me a couple years ago that she thought I recommended the restaurant so we would be alone. I personally wanted to be relatively alone, but the restaurant being nearly empty was just luck.

Next, we ordered food. The waiter asked us if we wanted scented candles for our date. Alice looked down and blushed, and I was left the responsibility of saying yes or no. Smart, quick decision, I said yes please, that would be lovely, then looked how she would react. I remember Alice looked up with a beautiful grin; she was happy I considered this a date. This also happens to be our first date.

Somehow, awkward and strange events continued to pile on. The food that I ordered was not the food I received. I complained. If the restaurant was full I may have been more lenient, however the restaurant was empty, messing up my order was just ridiculous. To calm me down, the restaurant gave me my original order, then did not make us pay for our meals. Wonderful first date.

Since we were exhausted from the date, I invited her to relax in my dorm till she wanted to go back to her dorm. My roommate Tyler was gone for the month to visit his family in Argentina. She sat down on the little sofa Tyler and I bought. I went to my mini fridge to get us some refreshments.

The TV was in front of our sofa, so Alice and I drunk some ice cold lemonade as we watched Endless Love. The movie was playing on HBO, and nothing else decent was playing, so we decided to watch it.

Few love scenes later, I decided to make a little move. I put my arm around her, not knowing how she'd react to it. To my surprise and enjoyment, she leaned in. Relaxed her head comfortably on my shoulder, set her drink down, and wrapped her arm around me.

Something magical happened that night, and no I do not mean sexually. An amazing, astonoshing event happened; almost as if we fell in love. Not your average love story where people meet, and over time fall in love. Ours happened in just hours.

Now, we're here, lying and watching the stars. The wind was blowing a soft, comfortable breeze. No noise to be heard for miles, just the soft chirping of crickets.

My heart began to race, I'm about ask her the hardest question ever invented. Will You Marry Me? Just four words. Just four words and they're about to give me a heart attack before I even say it.

She stood up and turned to go to our picnic basket. Luckily I placed the basket distance from where we lie so she had to get up. The wind was blowing majestically through her hair. I decided this is the perfect moment to propose.

Once she got a water from the basket, she turned around. I had one knee on the ground, then held up the box. "Alice, will you marry me?" I felt like the butterfly race overpopulated and moved into my stomach. My head was about to explode as I said that.

Then she reacted. Jaw dropped wide open, hands instantly covered her mouth. She stared at my ring in amazement. Then finally said, "Oh my gosh, Aiden, the ring us beautiful!"

Then continued, "Aiden I'm sorry. I can't marry you."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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