"When does a man become a monster"

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Lyric from Just a Man from epic

What if order 66 came before Obi-Wan returned to the clones with orders...

Warnings: major character death and lightly depicted violence.

Cody paced eagerly, hoping Obi-Wan would make it back soon.

His anxiety was high, higher than usual. His men were being picked off one by one and he felt helpless standing around, but he needed to wait, wait for orders, wait and make sure his general was safe.

He adjusted his blaster in his arms, flinching slightly and looking up as he heard an explosion followed by screaming. A few of his men fell from one of the higher levels, their bodies limp and lifeless.

He stiffened and looked away, pressing his eyes closed. How many more would need to die for this all to end...

He shook his head and his thoughts with it. "Where is he." He murmured, looking at the lightsaber attached on his belt. He was glad he saw it when he did, otherwise it would have been lost to the battle field. he knew Obi-Wan could manage on his own but the thought of him fighting without it scared him a little.

He continued pacing until a hand pulled him from his thoughts. "Sir" boil said softly. "Take a breath, he's okay."

It wasn't much of a secret that Cody and Obi-Wan had something anymore. all of his vod knew and he didn't really care, as long as no one blabbed to the council...then again, many other clones had romantic partners as well, so it wouldn't make a lot of sense to say anything.

"I know...I know." He nodded, seemingly trying to convince himself as well. "It was just a while ago that he sent news of Killing Grievous, I thought he'd be back by now.."

"The general can manage," he removed his hand from Cody's shoulder. "You know that. I'm sure he's just a couple minutes out."

Those couple minutes could be everything...he thought, nodding again as he looked at boil.

"I'm just hoping he's in one piece, that's all." He glanced down at the saber attached at his hip, placing a hand on top of it.

"You'd think he'd take better care of that thing." Boil gestured to the weapon. "With the whole 'your lightsaber is your life' thing."

Cody chuckled lightly. "With how much he loses it, I'm surprised he still has his life."

"Wonder what would happen if he lost it for good.." boil let his arms fall to his side, looking up as if he was pondering everything.

"I can imagine the council would chew him out and make him find it." Cody had wondered the same thing many times.

"No but, if he couldn't find it."

"Oh. I'm not sure...probably nothing good."

Cody realized what Boil had been doing, smiling to himself under his bucket. He was happy for the distraction.

They fell into a comfortable silence, staring off at the scenery around them, ignoring the horrible sounds around them.

He startled from his thoughts, holding his blaster closer to his chest as an explosion sounded above him.

He thought he'd be used to it all by now. The screaming, the shooting, the explosions...The noises put him on edge, filling his chest with a panicky feeling, one that made him want to run in the other direction crying.

He was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of his com going off. His heart jumped as he fumbled around with it, hoping it was the general.

He watched as a figure presented itself to him through the hologram. Only for a second did he have to wonder who it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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