Strawberry Kiss

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Xander fiddled with his pocky box, tearing at some of the cardboard with in nails in pure nervous energy. He saw these in the kitchen awhile ago, and an idea struck him, followed by a very flustered face. He had simply done a full one eighty out of the kitchen then.

And yet, he felt himself drawn to these stupid pocky sticks. Thinking about them. Spotting them every time he walked into the kitchen. Rationality, he knew it wasn't the pocky, it was David. The stupid Pocky Challenge and... David. Xander had listened to him, met him, befriended him, and what was then a harmless crush had turned into something more.

Xander had T****k, and other social media, so he was educated with what was trending. The Pocky Challenge had surfaced for awhile. He thought it was cute, one or twice he thought about doing it with someone who liked him. And now a third time, with David. Who might not have even liked him.

He bit his lip anxiously when Whit entered the kitchen.

"Hm? Oh, hey, Xan- woah, are you okay? Your face is, like, beet red--"

"Y-yes!" Xander interrupted loudly. He cleared his throat, "I'm fine."

Whit hesitated, his heart-filled eyes shifting to his hands, then to his flustered expression. His voice was full of laughter, "he's in his room." Whit reached behind him to grab a piece of fruit, but again hesitated before he left. The blonde tilted his head towards the rebel with an encouraging (yet infuriatingly triumphant) smile, "and he'd love your company." The matchmaker nodded at the strawberry pocky, leaving with no further comment.

Xander let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. He covered his face with one hand, surprised at how badly it burned. Okay, Whit was right, he could do this, he just has to get to David's room.


He just has to get-- oh, damnit, legs move! The red-head pushed himself from the counter, stumbling before he gradually increased his speed to a pace. He made it to his destination in what felt like a matter of two seconds. Xander forced himself to knock, telling himself exactly what he thinks David would in this moment.

If you never try, you're bound to fail.

He was afraid of the consequences, sure, but he also was a risk taker. Thats one of the reasons Xander got his title, Ultimate Rebel. His heart pounded as he waited. He was grateful that the burn in his face had lifted, but new panic started to set in. What if David wasn't actually in his room? Or left before he came? What if he just didn't want to be bothered and now Dander was--

The doorknob turned. Xander's heart skipped a beat as it opened, and then another when he saw David. He looked annoyed for the briefest moment, causing Xander to crush part of the box between his hands, though he didn't notice. Then his face lifted to a beam of absolute sunshine. Xander's knees wobbled.

"Xander. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"N- nothing, Mister Da-- nothing, David, I- are you busy?"

"A little bit," David admitted with a half-hearted smile. "But, it can wait. Do you want to come in?" He opened the door wider and stepped aside to make room for Xander.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure. Anything can wait for you."

Xander looked away and quickly stepped in before David could see the blush rising up his neck. To his surprise, the room wasn't at all tidy, and the covers on the bed were halfway on the ground, as if just being hastily thrown off. Xander worried he might have interrupted David's well-earned sleep.

"P- pardon the mess, I haven't been as organized as I usually am, due to our unusual situation."

Xander was quick to forgive. "I understand. Although its not my business anyway, it not being my room."

"I guess that's true," David shrugged. Then, after a beat of silence, brought attention to Xander's hands. "What are these for?"

"Actually, these are why I came."


"Yes, um... are you familiar with the Pocky Challenge?"

"The Pocky Challenge? Yes, I... w-wait, no, I don't believe so. Sorry."

"O- oh, well... i- its kind of like Chicken? Theres a person at each end of one stick, and each take bites of the pocky until one of them, um, q- quits," he was a blushing mess, face a bright pink.

The palest shade of rose dusted the bluette's face, "ah, I see. What happens if neither of them quits?"

"Then- then I guess it's up to whoever made the last bite." They both avoided eachothers gaze, no one daring to break the long stretch of silence that followed.

"Y- you realize what I'm asking, right?"

"Yes, but I was hoping to hear you say it," David answered with a nervous smile, looking at him through his lashes.

Xander takes a deep breath through his nose, confidence returning. "David, I challenge you to do the Pocky Challenge with me. Do you accept?"

"Well, when you put it like that, I have to." David puts a finger up to his lips, "yes, Xander, I do accept your challenge. "

"Really?" he jumped. "Shit, okay, lemme--" he started to open the box, realizing half of it was caved in. He flipped it around to the other side to open it. It took what felt like hours to pull one out that wasn't completely destroyed, but when he finally got it he felt all anxious and sweaty.

David was waiting patiently on the bed for him, "you finally got one."

Xander laughed, "yeah, finally. Um. Okay. Shit, sorry, I'm really nervous."

"Me too," David admitted, sliding down towards the red-head just a little bit when he sat next to him. Xander put the non-flavored end inbetween his teeth. A feeling of lust hit David so hard that he involuntarily gasped.

Quickly, Xander undid what he thought was a mistake, "a- are you sure this is okay?"

"N-no. I mean. Yes. I'm ready."

"That no made it sound less convincing..."

"I just... didn't want you to stop."

"Oh," Xander flushed. He put it back, then gave the motivational speaker a sheepish smile. Slowly, David leaned in, taking one end in his as Xander placed his hands on either side of one of his knees to steady himself. He bit off the entire non-flavored part, his heart painfully thumping against his ribs. David looked calm, but that was probably his eyes were closed, taking the next part with his tongue. Xander shut his eyes before he could choke.

The next few seconds felt absolutely agonising. Xander only took cautious nibbles, a sure way to lose but, hey, it was working for him. He felt so much anticipation welling up inside him that he almost opened his eyes when something sharp bit down on his lower lip. He gasped and almost choked again, yellow eyes flying wide open.

David was looking at him as he swallowed. "I guess that means I win, huh?"

Xander let out a strangled laugh, "I guess that means you do."

David's gaze lingered hesitantly for only a moment until he took Xander's face between his hands, leaning over to connect the two again. The rebel exhaled a sigh of relief through his nose, wrapping his arms around the other to pull him closer.

Crack crackcrackcrack.

The bluette groaned in pain against Xander's lips. He quickly let go of him. "I'm-- I'm sorry! I d- didn't mean to. Are you alright?"

"Fine," David gasped. "You just cracked my back. It doesn't hurt so much anymore."

Xander blushed, furiously covering his face with his hands, "ugghh. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I ruined our perfect moment."

"You didn't ruin anything. Really, it's alright, and it feels better now. I should be the one apologizing, not asking before I kissed you."

"What?! Are you kidding? You never have to ask! I feel like I could spend the rest of my life kissing you--" he paused mid-ramble, realizing what he was saying.

David beams, "do you want to go eat lunch together?"

Xander paused, heart warming, "I'd love to."

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