Ch 13: Wax and Revelation

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Following Usopp and Nami, after leaving Brogy's home, they were immediately spotted by a dinosaur, and they began running.


Nami: Oh crap it's another dinosaur!

Usopp: Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away! Get away!

Usopp ran so fast that he outran both Nami and the dinosaur. 

Eventually, they ran into Luffy and Vivi at Dorry's home. 

Usopp: *crying* Luffy! We're glad we finally found you! We need to get back to the ship--

Nami punched Usopp in the head.

Nami: *angry* You jerk! You almost left me behind to be Dino food!

Luffy: enough about that! Help me get out of here!

Nami: What happened? How did this happen?

Vivi gave Nami and Usopp an explanation of what happened and guessed that someone tampered with the barrels. 

Usopp: *shock* No way! They exploded inside the guy!? 

Nami: If he is injured that badly and he still ran off to fight!?

Usopp: *furious* This is horrible! Those two have been fighting as hard as they can for a century and always end in a draw! Plus, their duels are fought in the most honor and pride in the whole world. There's no way they can settle it once and for all like this!

Vivi: Who could've done something

Nami began pondering about what happened and got a theory.

Nami: Is it possible that the explosion is supposed to target us?

Vivi: What do you mean?

Nami: you said that baroque works is after us for helping you, then it's possible they tampered with the alcohol to kill us while we're out at sea and we just happened to accidentally gave the alcohol to them

Vivi: If baroque works followed us here, then it all makes sense. If that's true, then there must be agents on this island right now. We should go, we are in great danger

As they were talking, they saw Brogy cutting down Dorry. 

Luffy began flailing in frustration after witnessing Brogy's unfair victory. 


Usopp got really furious at the people who interfered with the duel that he is ignoring his own trembling legs.

Usopp: *furious/trembling* I don't know what we're dealing with here. But I'm going to take care of this myself

Vivi: I'll come too, Usopp 

Usopp: *relief/trembling* good. Having you along with me will be reassuring 

Nami: I can't really help much, but I'll see if I could find Rimuru so she can help

???: none of you are going anywhere 

The group looked in front of them and saw Mr 5 and Miss Valentine. 

Mr 5 threw karoo torwards the crew.

Mr 5: You can have him back. We don't need him

Miss Valentine: kyahahaha 

Vivi was shocked to see that karoo was covered in severe injuries and rushed torwards her duck.

Vivi was shocked to see that karoo was covered in severe injuries and rushed torwards her duck

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