The news

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Its been some time since dream disappeared and everyone just thought he went to visit someone or something like that they only really realised he was really gone after a week with no signs

At the castle when dream arrived

"My queen your here"one of the maids said "yes and it's lovely to see you but where is Conner and also can you get my brothers" "oh of course my queen"the maid said before running of going to get Conner
-after getting Conner
"MAMAAA" Conner yelled as he ran up to dream hugging him tightly "Hiii baby how are you"dream said in a sweet voice "im good mama how about you"Conner asked replying "im good baby anyway what have you been up to lately" dream asked yet again in a sweet voice "oh ya I've improved In my violin skills"Conner said standing proud "really soon you'll be better then me"dream said giggling "anyways let's get you to bed it's getting late"dream said holding Conner hand "okay"Conner said

-After putting Conner to bed-

"My queen your brothers have arrived "the maid said "thank you" "let them in please" "of course my queen"the maid said as she went to go get them.
"Hello my little daydream"XD said entering dreams room with nightmare behind him "hello little brother"nightmare said also entering "XD NIGHMARE"dream yelled before running up to them and hugging them "it nice to see you to"XD said "ya it is how are you"nightmare asked "Im good but I have something to tell you" dream said shyly "we're here to listen daydream" XD said "umm well I'm pregnant again.."dream said yet again shyly "WAIT REALLY"nightmare yelled happily "yes I am" dream said "that's amazing how much along are you" XD asked "about 2 week if I'm sure"dream replied "that's amazing but who's the father there same fathers as Conner right"XD asked again "yes same fathers" "again that's amazing but you should get some rest it's really late" nightmare stated "I will but do you two still know we're your rooms are"dream asked "yes we still do don't worry"XD replied "okay know please go get some rest" "only if you do to"nightmare said "okay okay now go" "also we might have to go in the night because of some Business on our planets  you know how busy the nether and heavens can get" "of course" "good now good night"XD said kissing daydreams head lightly "good night"dream said replying

-In the morning-
Dream pov-
I wake up with the beaming sun on my face as I get get up walking to the bathroom to shower and get ready remembering I have to wake Conner up later.After the shower I get dressed and do my hair
(I got carried away)

After the shower I get dressed and do my hair(I got carried away)

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The dress

The heels

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The heels

The hair but light blonde

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The hair but light blonde

The hair but light blonde

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The make up Still dream pov-

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The make up
Still dream pov-

I see myself in the mirror just before I go to wake up Conner and get him dressed.I walk up to Conner room opening the door and slowly start walking in waking him up after sitting on the bed beside him "mama" Conner say "yes baby" I say as Conner hugs me "you look pretty"he said complementing me "thank you darling but it's time to get up I have some news for you" "really" "yes baby I'll go get your clothes"I said walking away "okay I have them I'll go to the kitchen will you change okay baby" "yes mama"Conner replying

I walk up to Conner room opening the door and slowly start walking in waking him up after sitting on the bed beside him "mama" Conner say "yes baby" I say as Conner hugs me "you look pretty"he said complementing me "thank you darling but it's time...

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Conner outfit

"Mama I'm here"Conner said walking into the dining room and sitting beside me "hey baby okay let's eat and then I'll tell you the news okay" i said putting some food on his plate "okay mama"

-After they ate-
"K baby I just wanted to tell you that your going to be a big brother"I said with a smile on my face "wait really"Conner said leaping with joy before going to hug me "yes baby"I said happily

And that is it I'm bored
Word count-689

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