17. but you felt enough

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"You," he said from Percy's mouth.
"Me," The woman agreed. Hecate. She spread her arms. Blazing torches appeared in her hands. "It has been millennia since I fought at the side of demigods, but Hazel Levesque and Y/N L/N have proven themselves more than worthy. What do you say, Clytius? Shall we play with fire?"

Everyone had really cool one liners. I had to get someone to teach me how to make them up that smoothly, and how to deliver them with such professionalism.

When Clitoris-or-whatever-the-giant's-name-was saw the goddess's torches blazing, he seemed to recover his wits.
He stomped his foot, shaking the floor and almost stepping on Annabeth's arm. Dark smoke billowed around him until Annabeth and Percy were totally hidden.
"Bold words." Clytius spoke from Leo's mouth. "You forget, goddess. When we last met, you had the help of Hercules and Dionysus—the most powerful heroes in the world, both of them destined to become gods. Now you bring...these?"

Leo's unconscious body contorted in pain.
"Stop it!" I yelled. Leo dissolved. "What the.."
He reappeared on my feet, along with Percy and Annabeth around us. The Mist whirled around Hazel, spilling over the stones and enveloping her friends.
Leo opened his eyes and gasped. "Wh-what...?"
The goddess stepped forward, her dark eyes glittering in the torchlight. "You're right, Clytius. These demigods are not Hercules or Dionysus, but I think you will find them just as formidable."

Through the smoky shroud, I saw the giant open his mouth. No words came out. Clytius sneered in frustration.
Leo tried to sit up. "What's going on? What can I—"
"Watch Percy and Annabeth." Hazel drew her spatha. "Stay behind me. Stay in the Mist."
Hazel looked at us with complete seriousness. I was hoesntly afraid.
Leo gulped. "Yeah, got it. White Mist good. Black smoke bad."

I opened my first aid kit – It was a sickly green color, like camouflage, and was designed more as a satchel. If I was feeling stylish, I could've worn it like a totebag. But being a demigod isn't a fashion show, as much as I had tried to convince Valentina back at Camp. Instead I would fashion my medkit's straps around my waist to keep it accessible and secure for dire times — Like now.

First I placed my fingers on Annabeth's neck, right on her carotid artery.
"What are you doing, Doctor?"
"Shush." I murmured, counting the beats in my head. I then checked Percy's pulse. "They're both alive, alright. But I can barely even say that."
I unzipped the first aid kit and picked up one of my small bottles of nectar. By small, it was practically miniscule. I had measured each little tube prior to our departure to ease healing and avoid incineration at the same time. I uncorked the little jar and handed it to Leo, before opening my own. I gently opened Annabeth's mouth and poured the nectar in. Once she swallowed it naturally, I watched Leo follow my footsteps.
"Look at you, Valdez!"
"Am I your nurse?"
"Don't say that."
"You're picturing me in a sexy nurse costume aren't you?" He grinned.

Annabeth started stirring, groaning in pain. Percy muttered something that sounded like, "Bob-bob-bob?"
"Hazel," said the goddess. "This is your crossroads. You must choose."
Yes, crossroads. The giant's laughter echoed. Hecate offers you obscurity, choices, vague promises of magic. I am the anti-Hecate. I will give you truth. I will eliminate choices and magic. I will strip away the Mist, once and for all, and show you the world in all its true horror.
Leo struggled to his feet, coughing like an asthmatic. "I'm loving this guy," he wheezed. "Seriously, we should keep him around for inspirational seminars."
His hands ignited like blowtorches. "Or I could just light him up."

"Leo, no," Hazel said. "My father's temple. My call."
"Yeah, okay. But—" "Hazel..."
Annabeth wheezed.
"Don't use your energy on shouting Annabeth, I can hear you if you whisper." I assured her.
"The chains..." Annabeth managed. I raised my eyebrows and turned to Hazel.
"The chains Hazel– The Doors are still open!"

You can't seriously believe you have the strength, Clytius chided. What will you do, Hazel Levesque—pelt me with more rubies? Shower me with sapphires?
Hazel gave him an answer. She raised her spatha and charged. Clytius was slow raising his sword. By the time he slashed, Hazel had ducked between his legs and jabbed her Imperial gold blade into his gluteus maximus. Ouchies!
I hadn't been watching closely enough, clearly since I was occupied by my two dying friends, however I glanced up in time to see the flat of the giant's blade catching Hazel in the chest and sending her flying.

"Hazel!" Leo screamed. The giant was facing us, preparing to slash Leo goodbye and kidnap the rest of us. Ha-ha, ha...
Hazel stood. Her sword lay on the ground about five feet away. She staggered toward it.
"Clytius!" she shouted
A good try, Hazel Levesque, Clytius admitted. You did better than I anticipated. But magic alone cannot defeat me, and you do not have sufficient strength. Hecate has failed you, as she fails all of her followers in the end.

"Crumble some ambrosia and try to give it to Percy. He's out of it."
Annabeth was awake but struggling, barely able to lift her head. Hazel threw her sword—not at the giant, but at the Doors of Death. The chains on the right side shattered. The doors shuddered and disappeared in a flash of purple light. Clytius roared so loudly that a half dozen stelae fell from the ceiling and shattered.

"That was for my brother, Nico," Hazel gasped. "And for destroying my father's altar."
You have forfeited your right to a quick death, the giant snarled. I will suffocate you in darkness, slowly, painfully. Hecate cannot help you. NO ONE can help you!
The goddess raised her torches. "I would not be so certain, Clytius. Hazel's friends simply needed a little time to reach her—time you have given them with your boasting and bragging."
Clytius snorted. What friends? These weaklings? They are no challenge.
"No need to get personal." I yelled, my hand on Annabeth's forehead as I checked her temperature.

In front of Hazel, the air rippled. The Mist thickened, creating a doorway, and four people stepped through. Frank, Nico, Piper, and Jason—all with their swords drawn, came to the rescue.
"Sorry we're late," Jason said. "Is this the guy who needs killing?"
"These damn one liners."

 a few more chapter my lovelies omg thats kind of insane
also short one because i need to get these chapter titles like in sync with how ive planned it but i promise this is worth it

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