After the Battle of Exegol Rey Skywalker decided to reform the Jedi Order. She found a young boy named Leon He he is Mandalorian and who have ability to transforned into a Dinosaur called the White Raptor. Two years later the boy is now 16 years old...
I ran to the alleyways because I have stolen food especially meat because of my "ability" I hid in my hiding spot and ate my food. I have been on my own since I was 10 years old I don't remember what happened to my parents or even if they are alive and I a special ability to transforned into a creature called
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The White Raptor is a dinosaur called a Velociraptor and I run really fast for miles and I am have to eat meat or else I go "crazy" but I don't want to go crazy because I don't want to hurt innocent people so I usually eat meat to my dinosaur self in bay. I also Mandalorian from my mothere side of the family I still have her blaster pistols.
Me: Mom and Dad I missed you guy's so much
I started to cry a little bit until I feel someone walking towards me so I took my blasters out in defense in case it was that man I stole but it was not the man it was a
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Woman she look pretty beautiful
???: Hey are you okay?
Me: Yes I am and who are you?
Rey: My name is Rey Skywalker
I was shocked I heard Skywalker like Luke Skywalker who was a Jedi hero during the Galactic Civil War and he fought beside of my mother and father against the Empire
Me: Well that's cool my name is Leon
Rey: Well it's nice to meet you Leon
Me: Uh why are you here Rey?
Rey: Well but first do you know what the Force and the Jedi is?
I was shocked wait I was am going to be a Jedi I always wanted to become a Jedi I want to help and protect innocent people
Me: Yes I have are you saying that I am force sensitive and you want to train me to become a Jedi?
Rey was shock
Rey: Yes and how will you feel to become a Jedi?
Me: It will be amazing I always want to become a Jedi I want to go on adventures and save and protect innocents so yes I will become a Jedi
Rey: Good now come with me to begin your training
Man: Hold it right there!
We turned around to see the man I stole food from
Rey: Is there a problem here?
Man: Yes that little brat have stolen food from me
Rey: Well I can pay you back for it
Man: No I want to see that boy dead
He took his blaster out
Man: Since you are defending him I will kill yo-
He was cut off when I used the force to push him back and knock him out unconscious. Rey was suprised at of what I did to the man
Rey: Good job Leon now let's get out of here before that man wakes up
Me: Yes Master
I took her and we started walk out of the alley to her ship