The beginning 2

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Kyle stopped the car in front of the house, Kyle and Mille have a hobby of exploring old structures to cool off or just for fun.

Mille took out her camera and took a picture of the house, while Kyle took out a flashlight and a few pieces of equipment and placed them in her bag.

They roomed around the lawn first and went to the front door. "Are you recording?" "Yea". Kyle opened the door slowly. Kyle slowly entered the building followed by Mille." Watch and walk, the floor is broken. "Kyle said. Kyle took out the flashlight, and it started flickering. So Kyle hit and it was fixed. They entered the living room and took a few photos. Mille started hearing unexpected creaking sounds, thinking that it was Kyle she said"Stop moving around so much" Kyle replied, "What are you talking about, I am still as a tree". "What? I heard creaking sounds, did you not?" Mille asked. "No, must have been your imagination," Kyle said.

they both went into the kitchen and saw that it was fucking mess. " omg, what happened here." Said Mille. "Weird, there are no knives in the stand." Said Kyle"Or forks or any sharp objects," said Mille. They took a few pictures and moved on to the next.

They started going upstairs, the moment they reached the top they heard a howl nearby, this scared Kyle and Mille and both screeched. They both got embarrassed and laughed it off. They entered the first room, it seemed like a room of a small kid. They took a few pictures and also saw a few baby pictures. Kyle took it. They saw a few drawings, but oddly they were all halfway torn. " look, the drawings are halfway torn, they look like they could fall apart any moment." Said Mille. "Maybe one of the parents tore it, I mean look at it, the kid drew these terrifying drawings." "I guess. " said Mille." Let's move on. " said Mille. ' we should not have come here. ' thought Mille.

They entered the next room, which was the common washroom, and they noticed the mirror was broken, Mille took a photo of it. Kyle was checking the cabinets. On the sink, there were burnt candles. Kyle pulls the shower curtain. They saw a disgusting sight of stocked water. Mille took few pics and they both left.
They entered the next room, which seemed like the bedroom of the parents. As soon as they entered, they got a weird smell. They ignored the foul smell and went in.

They found a few journals " Oh look, I found journals." Mille said. She opened one of them" Oh it's the mother's." said Mille "She must have been writing since she was young" said Kyle." Seems like it." Kyle found a picture of the parents and took it."I don't know about you but I am getting a weird feeling " said Mille." Why so? I don't feel anything. "Kyle said. " Well the mirrors are broken and weird drawings, howl-" "Come on, like seriously!!? " said Kyle "Don't worry mate, when I am here no one is going to hurt you" continued Kyle. " Look the journal dates back to 1976." said Kyle." That far back???!!!!, I mean it's been abandoned since then?? "Exclaimed Mille." Must have been," said Kyle calmly. Kyle placed two journals inside her backpack. Mille was taking pictures, while Kyle was looking around.

Kyle saw a small box, with a very vintage design. She tried to open it but it wouldn't budge." Alright, I am done," said Mille. Kyle put the box in her backpack and slowly went outside of the room. "Oh! There is an attic. Wanna go u-" "NO," said Mille. "Alright, fine, don't need to be so mad about it," said Kyle."Mad? I am not mad, I just don't want to go there.," said Mille." alright, let's head downstairs," said Kyle.

Kyle was setting up the Ouija board and Mille was setting up the camera. Kyle put up the family photos nearby." all done "said Kyle." here too" said Mille. They both sat opposite each other and in front of the Ouija board. They both put their fingers on the planchette and started asking questions. " Is there a spirit present nearby?" asked Kyle."Would any of you like to talk to us?" asked Mille. No one answered their call, it was just pure silence. just when they are about to give up the planchette moves to 'yes'.

Kyle was excited about this but on the other hand, Mille was not. Kyle asked, "Are you one of the family?" the planchette moved to 'No'. This confused both and they looked at each other. Gulping Mille asks"Who are you?" the planchette rapidly moves around and spells the word 'N-O-O-N-E'. "what? No one??, what does that even mean? You know what I am done, let's leave." exclaimed Mille. She was so done with everything that she forcefully asked Kyle to end this. They said goodbye, ceased it, and left the place.

Unbeknownst to them someone or something was watching them.

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