Chapter Twelve

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Klaus stepped outside to the front of the house after a bit, assuming Bonnie had had enough time to cool off. He had no idea what was going on with him. He believed he could forget about Bonnie after only one nice night with her. But even after leaving her alone for a few months, he couldn't stop thinking about her. The sensation of her.

Her tone of voice. Her laughter. Her moans of pleasure. It had all taken up residence in his mind and refused to go. Now that he had her back, albeit under unusual circumstances, all he wanted to do was keep her near, keep her with him. He'd never cared that much for anybody before, and it was as if his body wouldn't let him stop. Did he want it to stop?

He glanced around for Bonnie once he was outdoors, but he didn't see her. He could smell her scent wafting through the air, but it was dissipating. But he also detected the fragrance of someone else, someone he knew. He took a step forward and felt something beneath his feet. He picked it up, and it was Bonnie's grandmother's necklace, which she usually wore around her neck. Something wasn't right.

"Bonnie…" He ran into the woods without thinking or informing anyone.

It was dawn when Bonnie awoke. The light shone through the windows of the cabin she was sitting in. She could smell the bayou's muddy water and hear the buzzing of the insects. She scratched her chin, feeling a lump on the back of her neck. Her wrists were tied behind her back as she sat on the hardwood floor. The bindings dissolved themselves as she muttered a simple spell.

Bonnie was attempting to devise an escape strategy when her captor entered the room. Her voice almost stopped in her throat as she realized what had happened. "Tyler?"

Tyler Lockwood stood over her like he hadn't aged a day, and he hadn't. He was Klaus's first successful effort at producing additional hybrids, but he was also Klaus's worst disappointment. Tyler had suffered dearly for going against Klaus' desires for an ideal hybrid family all subservient to him. He despised Klaus with every ounce of his existence, and Bonnie understood why. Nonetheless, he had abducted her.

"Hey, Bonnie," Tyler greeted nonchalantly as if they were just having a friendly meeting.

"Do you want to tell me why you hit me over the head and kidnapped me? And where are we? The Bayou?"

"It's a cabin of a friend of mine down here." Tyler gave Bonnie an up-and-down look that Bonnie could only describe as disgusted. "I didn't believe it when I heard Klaus had knocked you up with some magical baby, but I guess the rumors were true."

Bonnie felt vulnerable, so she put her arms about her stomach. "So? What's that got to do with you? You disappeared from Mystic Falls years ago and cut us all off. You made it clear you didn't want to know anything about any of us."

"Klaus killed everyone I cared about. He ruined my life." He knelt down so that he was eye level with her. Bonnie noticed a crazed look in his eyes where she recalled feeling kindness for her and her friends. "You know he's just going to use you and the baby? This is just a power grab for him, Bonnie."

"What the hell are you talking about, Tyler?"

"I heard about your pregnancy through a witch friend of mine. She had a vision about your baby, about the destruction it would cause."

"Sabine." How did Tyler know, Sabine? Is this where he had been the entire time he vanished? The city of New Orleans

Tyler paused before disclosing his secret. He didn't like kidnapping Bonnie and holding her prisoner, but it was a necessary evil. "Your baby can be used to make other hybrids. It was the only part of the vision she could decipher."

"You don't know that for sure. The witches here have a vendetta against vampires. She could be lying. And you're better than this, Tyler."

Tyler shook his head. "He really has you under his spell, doesn't he? Think about it, Bonnie. Why else would he give a damn about you about this kid? Klaus doesn't care about anyone. He only cares about how much power he can grab, and this is his ultimate weapon, and you're falling for it." Tyler rose slowly to his feet. He told himself that he would talk to Bonnie first, that he would attempt to reason with her in the name of their childhood friendship.

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