Fall in despair together my little hope?Komahina mastermind au

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It was a sad afternoon. The skies were covered with the bushes of clouds. Little drops of rainwater has been dropping from the sky.Komaeda looked outside. He was not his usual self lately. He has been argueing with his boyfriend Hajime Hinata. You might laugh what they fight about..(AN inserted:Hajime is the some sort of like mastermind) His boyfriend is actually like a mastermind who had forced him and his friends in a game called ‘Killing game’. In order to have him all by himself. (He is kinda of a possesive boyfriend●_●) And Nagito didn’t like this despair of his boyfriend. He wanted to bring hope in him. But.. How can you persuade a person to follow another opinion. So he and Hajime fought again. Hajime felt like sometime he causes the mess. But infact they both didn’t actually liked to cause arguements because they loved eachother. So oneday Hajime decided to gather the courage to talk about his opinions. He was pretty scared and anxious about Nagito’s reply. So he walked to Komaeda‘s cottage. When he reached to his door,he knocked it slightly. it was opened by his beloved Nagito komaeda with a messy hair. ‘Gosh he is really cute I wish i could cup his cheeks..’ Hajime thought to.himself. Then the Komaeda who had woked from sleep saw Hajime and his face turned into a Warm,soft smile. Not a forced one。He greeted him “Oh!Hinata-Kun what are you doing here at this time?” He tilted his head a little in confusion. Hajime chukled as he look at the so curious Komaeda and pulled him in a warm hug. He said “Let me get inside then I’ll tell you!~” Nagito laughed at his comnent and let him inside. He and Nagito sat in the couch. As he sat on the couch he came closer to Nagito. Nagito blushed and didn’t make any contact. Great Hajime now you made an awkard situation...He then held his hand and preparing his courage for opinions. “Hey Nagito.. Mind if I ask you something?” Nagito turned around and again gave the same warm smile and said “Go ahead Hajime~” ‘God he could’nt express how much he loved this guy’ “I wanted to tell you that the arguements we had a long ago were actually is because of me..” The albino’s smile disappered and he said“No,no,no it’s because of me cause I was the one who always bothered you with my useless hope rants. I am sorry Hinata-Kun I don’t really deserve you I am a mistake that-” He was cut off by a pair of lips crasing on his lips. He found out the Kiss very warm and didn’t pulled away. and what it seems like mins they pulled out slowly and the albino could be seen a blushing mess. And then he placed his index fingure on the albino’s cold lips and said in his serious tone“Nagito,You are a wonderful person. Everyone might see you as a trash or something but I don’t see you like them.I love you Nagito. You are the man of my dreams. I know I am a very despairful person but... May I ask you to be my despair prince the rest of my lives?” Hajime slightly took his hand and kissed it and you have thought right that the albino might pass out because of all the affectionate his boyfriend gave but he is alive don’t worry!“Hajime,I..um..” “You don’t need to rush for the answer my darling~I can wait till the day I die~~” Hajime reassured him with a smile. “Hajime..I LOVE YOU MORE THAN ANYTHING!” As soon as the albino said the last bit he covered his face of embarrasment. Hajime was shocked. His so long crush feeled the same thing about him. “I know you probably might breakup with me but I just wanted to confess you my love so I guess I messed up everything..?” Then Hajime put his warm hands on his cheeks and told him “I love you too Nagito I was scared that you might reject me but I felt the same thing about you. I didn’t want you to leave me because everyone always mocked me because I was not an ultimate. But You didn’t, you thought me without talent you can also spread hope but I know it’s a silly question to ask you right now that will you fall in despair with me?I promise not to hurt you I will keep you the happiest person in this world,and afterall It takes hope to spread despair. So will you please be my despair prince?”. Nagito didn’t cared about anything that time. Nor hope or despair. He wanted Hajime more than anything. His heart was bursting of joy. He then hugged Hajime and ofcourse Hajime accepts it. He said“Yes yes I like you and I want to be with you” He said with a big smile. And they connected the gaps between them a sweet kiss. Then Hajime playfully gets up and said“Would Nagito Komaeda like to dance with the despaired person like me~~~?” Nagito giggled and said “Ofcourse anything for my future prince~” Then he took Nagito’s hand and then they started dancing like a married couple. Hajime placed his hands on Nagito’s back. Nagito kept his hands on Hajime’s shoulder. Then they started dancing gracefully. Nagito smiled at Hajime. He was looking at his green,olive eyes(AN inserted:It’s my au so Hajime has his normal eye colour even if he is a mastermind. And he is not that Kamakura Kamakura yas queen guy ●_●). Like those eyes were the heavenly eyes of a god. Hajime Looked at his smile. The smile he could never forget even after he dies...He liked the albino no he loved the albino more than his life.. And what it seems like hours passed. The albino was tired and again he felt asleep. The brunette loved seeing the albino sleep peacefully. Then he laid him on the couch and got a blanket for both of them. He snuggled with the albino and wrapped around him. “I..love you..Hajime” The albino said the last bit and dozed off. Hajime smiled and said “I love you too my little hope...”

Poof...Hey people  I know I was like non active person because of my half yearly exam. And literally I am now having a very strong Komahina brainrot so have my cringy crap and I will again update if I get idea So sayonara~~.
Author chan out-

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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