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At the beginning everything was beautiful, without a torment, without a cloud.
She could do whatever she wanted, similar to a fairy tale
But later everything blew up, leaving behind a shed of blood
Blinded by her love, she let herself be guided inside the gale.

Make excuses rather than weather the storm
To brighten her future, she wanted to see only the good days.
Woman is the future of man, as the poet said
But he didn't seem to remember this norm...

This man who said he loved her, hit her, broke her
The one who didn't dare talk about it, fearing for her freedom.
To love and honor, that's what he promised her
Not leaving her wounded and crying alone.

This monster had gradually transformed her universe,
Just like the bruises that covered her pale epidermis.
Like the corridors of hell, the world was darkness,
Without anyone deciphering her true damages.

And so, she hides, but deep down, she's in pain, she knows it,
While he didn't seem to care, he wanted to end it.
Then the striking blow fell, and everything ceased abruptly.
And the one who no longer knew how to dream, was nothing more than a distant memory...

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̶D̶r̶e̶a̶m̶e̶r̶  𝑶𝑺 (𝑬𝒏𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒉 𝑽𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now