Run Down

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I have no plans for this.  No real ideas on what is going to be written or how often.  Hell it's been like a week since I created the cover and I only just now have touched it again.  It's going to be a low of rambling I think.  Not a lot of things that are coherent and may not even make since. 

Whenever I have a therapist they suggest I write down my thoughts or talk about my day in a journal.  I've never been able to keep a journal.  Journals make me feel guilty.  They make me feel guilty because there is someone expecting me to do it and I want to do it but the pressure I create on myself makes it feel impossible so I don't end up doing it.   Then when my therapist asks I'm so full of shame that I lie to them as if it actually matters.  As if they will drop me as a patient if I don't do the things they suggest.  It's a ridiculous and completely irrational thought but in my head I'm so certain that something bad will happen if I tell them I didn't do it.  

That's why I'm doing this I think.   This can be my own rules.   I can add and subtract as I please and in all reality it's unlikely anyone will ever see it or care.   I can scream at the world all I want and no one around me will know how much I need that.  That's another irrational and ridiculous thing.  I've so convinced myself that if I'm honest about the way I feel with the people around me then my feelings will be down played and I'll just end up hurt.  Never mind the fact I spent years actively making a better support system then I've ever had before and I know that they wouldn't just let me fall apart.

Chapters are likely to be short.  I'll be mostly writing on my phone when I feel the need to.  Im not really Sure why I feel the need to explain that though.  Im sure no one actually care how this is written.  I thinks that's all I want to write for this one.  I may go immediately into the next chapter and talk about some other things.   It's going to be much more personal and dark and I don't think it works well with what I've written here.  

That's all for now.  Peace

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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