Wuthering Heights

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Our love..

celebrated by our light..

...Memories of the
thought of you ..touching my spirit consumes me...

💋I am found..
...dissolved to what I know
of former winters' passions.

Perhaps.. one slender icicle remains
of what I was before, ...

in some dark cave, ..
my  calcified spirit now drains
to sodden pools..

milky liquid laves
To cold rock..

, thus washing me anew,
Skinned,.. bare ..

A layer of my soul
that never saw the light,
that never knew..
Until you..

That crust could break above, ..
that light could stream...
...so luminously
So beautifully. . .

...I lie revealed,
I stand transformed,. 
and all because you smiled on me, and warmed me..

You are my one
My poison roars for..

To consume..

May you enter my catacombs armed  to the teeth with compassion and true love,

Only your love can relinquish my burn ,
Make you immune from my defenses

Fighting is of no use ..
for that which
Can twist and transform
Fly and burn..
As my tongue slithers a tribal dance under your bush.

Bathe me in your fire
Consume my soul,
And you my love, may taste my poison too.. Unscathed.

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