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Previously on this story


"I hope Mari will forgive us for what we have done.." Alya said  "I just can't believe she had a crush on me, and i was not her crush after what...she's...done" Adrien said with a hint of disgust in his voice trying to say her name "We really should apologize...." they all said in union then a portal came and teleported them to a room and they then said "react to marinette and how she is doing in her new life" we all then agreed and wanted to watch on how good mari is doing in her new life


i do not know how to put videos right now can a creator show me when i make another story? so i'm just going to do this


After the reaction


They all felt sad after watching the video of venti with his new friends "i guess she is doing alright in her new life...." Alya said,after they all watched the video it became really silent after seeing how happy she is with them  and then they got teleported again but this time it was different world they then realized that this is the world that Marinette/Venti was reincarnated  into and they knew this is a chance to talk to her and apologize, then the Pyro archon cornered them and said "Who are you." she said in a stern voice that made them all scared   "We're here to apologize to Marinette also known as Venti or his god name Barbatos" Nino ended up saying  and then the Pyro acrchon said "Get out. he doesn't want you here, you guys are not friends anymore and he doesn't forgive you at all, you gave him trauma that he cannot get over he went into hibrination  and i am exactly  sure that he will never forgive you guys if he had the choice to."

After what Muruta said they were damaged about what she thinks venti wants but it was true in many way because venti could sense them and he sent winds to her to say that to them and she felt it so that is why she said that to them she told them the truth as they said she was lying but she revealed that it was the truth they all felt sad as Venti's winds confirmed that it was true as she said they all went back to their world to try and figure things out and how to apologize to him after what happened without getting stopped by the other archons


Words: 430

Did this late at night sorry if it is bad

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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