Chapter 2

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Santa had gotten used to dancing all alone.

It didn't matter that he'd always danced with a team in Korea or danced in classes that were full of people now that he was home. He still felt lonely.

But just the prospect of dancing with Earth chased his solitude away.

Santa watched transfixed as Earth procured a sheer, sparkly scarf from his bag. He bent his head and tied it around his mouth and nose like the girls in the Bite Me video. He reached around to adjust it and an itch started on Santa's fingers, urging him to reach out and touch.

Earth looked up and all that was left uncovered were his eyes. He stared into Santa's soul, sultry and expectant.

Santa felt his eyelids dip low at the sexy sight. He wanted to continue drinking Earth in, but he bit the inside of his cheek and pulled his hat low to cover his eyes. Santa forced his legs to move and he met Earth in the middle of the dance floor. Everyone went quiet and multiple pairs of eyes stared at them through the mirror.

The choreographers decided only to include the hook and the chorus of the song, bringing the dance to a grand total of one minute and eleven seconds. But when Earth leaned into Santa in his ready position, Santa steeled himself as though they'd be dancing for hours.

The song blasted abruptly from the speakers, and the booming vocals and addictive beat pierced Santa's ears.

They were thrown into action, and Santa immediately mourned the loss of Earth's weight against his. But then, Earth danced so close they nearly shared breath and Santa tried fruitlessly to hold onto his sanity. The way Earth moved his hips and showed off his legs should be banned, outlawed, and made illegal in all 76 provinces. Even though the beat was fast, his movements were still slinky and sensual. Santa felt himself go into autopilot just to be able to keep up. Thank goodness for all their prior rehearsals or Santa would've fumbled this run through right from the gate.

Dancing with Earth felt like dancing with the world perched precariously in the palms of his hands. Santa was surrounded by everything he could ever want and simultaneously overwhelmed by the sheer gravity of it.

Earth was so fluid in the way he danced, sexual and sinuous in the way the choreography called for, yet so inherently cute; pouty beyond all belief. Santa loved the way Earth danced on the balls of his feet, twirly and graceful like a ballerina, but eyes narrowed, lethal and dangerous like the sharpened edge of a knife. He ducked his chin and looked up at Santa, gaze dark with pure seduction.

Santa gritted his teeth at the way his heart pounded erratically.

The boys from Enhypen sang about how their blood was pumping crazy and Santa felt that acutely. Blood pulsed urgently to all parts of him, concentrating where his desire was most insistent and vital.

The chorus came on and Earth skittered his fingers over Santa's chest and loosely framed Santa's neck with his hands. He applied the barest pressure, but Santa felt like he couldn't breathe. Earth had sucked all the air from the room and Santa hoped that his gasp just looked like one born of exertion.

Earth casted a spell with the way he moved; watching him was addictive, hypnotic, and entrancing. Dancing against him only amplified those sensations.

Santa knew the whole room was in awe because Earth made anyone who laid eyes on him fall instantly in love.

Santa was no exception.

He remembered attending the first Until We Meet Again fanmeeting a couple of years back. He'd gone because he had recently worked with Yacht and was interested in joining his company. Santa had planned on getting a feel for the company, scoping out the talent, and maybe making a few contacts... but he hadn't planned on seeing Earth and falling in love instead.

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