The Beginning.

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/-Off all the way on the country-side, a two story house that held a family of three. A mother and father. Then their son, Issac, who's a high-functioning autistic kid and he also has schizophrenia. Sadly, there's one thing that he's failed to see about himself. He's a psychic, which means he can see ghosts and other paranormal things. He wishes that these things he's seeing would go away, but once someone has been granted the powers of seeing the paranormal you can't get rid of them. He also wants his schizophrenia to go away, but no treatments are working, and with the schizophrenia comes visual and auditory hallucinations, which won't go away either. He wishes to be freed from his troubles, but only getting some serious help will allow that to happen.-/

Issac has begun to become paranoid, in the own comforts of his room and all of his parents' house. This raises alarms for his parents of course, so they bring him to a psychiatrics place to see what's happening to him. While at this appointment, he gets diagnosed with schizophrenia, and autism. Issac's parent's aren't exactly equipped to deal with this sort of thing, so they decide to take action in a different way that won't hurt them, or Issac.

Issac's parent's, Donovan Readstock and Kaylee Readstock, tell him to get some comfortable clothes on so they can go to one of their usual late nights places they go to. He of course obliges, and gets in the car about five minutes later, his parent's already in the car they start making their way in to town for a supposed outing. Soon, to Issac's surprise, they drive past all of their usual places to go this late at night. He decides to just mind his business for a little bit, thinking that his parents just missed a turn or that they're going to a new place. They park after about ten minutes after he started not minding his surroundings, and Issac finally looks up to take in where they're at. His heart drops as he sees that they're at the psychiatric warden for kids. He start's to massively panic at seeing where they are, not wanting to be there because of things he's heard about the place, so he begins to refuse to get out of his parents car. Forcing his parents to get orderlies to knock him out with anesthetics.

Issac wakes up in a cold sweat in an unknown room, it takes him a moment, but he finally takes in his surroundings to figure out that he's in a psych ward room. Only about a minute after he awakes, one of the nurses opens the door to his room and speaks to him in an upbeat happy voice. The nurse has blond hair put up in to a neat bun, bright green eyes that resemble emeralds, and some nice skin that has the complex of almost milk.

"Readstock, right?"

Issac confirms his name with a simple head nod.

"Alright, well you need to come out of your room. It's best you listen so you don't have to go in to the white room."

Issac nods again and slowly gets out of bed and follows the nurse out of his room. He walks in to a sort of small area that has about ten other patients in it, none of them care to even look at Issac as he shuffles in to the main room. He finds himself at a table where no one else sits at and grabs a coloring book that just so happened to be on the other side of where he was sat at. Before opening the book to get lost in a world of coloring, he takes a quick look around to try and take in more of his surroundings. He spots these three patients sitting in a circle and talking amongst themselves, they all look interesting but one of them the most. This particular patient that has caught his eye has on a black balaclava, with some sort of mesh looking front part of a human skull on top covering it.

/"That's unusual. I thought patients weren't allowed to have face coverings. Maybe something is wrong with his face and he's really insecure about it. That's probably it."/ Issac's thinking about any possible way they would allow someone here in the psych ward to even have a face cover like that. Issac shakes his head in a sort of disappointed way and tries to go back to what he was about to do. He's starting to see ghostly almost see through figures roaming through this main hall. These sightings bother him so much that he decides to tell a nurse what he's seeing. This nurse he tells looks extremely careless, so they just call a therapist in to talk with him, so they don't have to deal with Issac's supposed fake sightings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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