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"Y/N! Come here!" A girl had called out to you.

"Oh, hey, Ganyu!" You said, running up to your best friend. "What's going on?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to her. "There are some new kids, I'm guessing at least.." Ganyu said, sighing.

"Let's go see who they are!" Ganyu cheered, reaching her hand out to you. You always thought she was so cute when she acted all cheery. You grabbed her hand and walked down the hall to a crowded space.

"There's an empty spot over there if you wanna get closer." You suggested to her. "Oh, thank you! Let's go, Y/N!" She smiled as she pulled you into the empty area. As soon as you two got into the empty space, it was enclosed with others surrounding you, but still giving you a clear view.

"They're so cute!!"

"I wish I looked like that.."

"I'm too ugly for this..."

Chatter about the two boys was heard from all angles. "They are pretty cute, aren't they?" Ganyu said, turning to you. You looked back at the two boys.

One of the boys was of an average height (I'M CHANGING HEIGHT BECAUSE THEY'RE SHORT AS FUCK) of 5'5. He had black-tinted hair and a strip of teal. His eyes were as bright as gold.

You turned to the other guy. He looked about 5'6. He had dark purple hair with dark purple eyes. He didn't look happy to be surrounded by fangirls and boys wanting to ask him out.\

The two boys suddenly started walking towards you two, but you hadn't noticed it was your direction yet. You turned back to Ganyu. "They are. Heh, who knew I'd be attracted to men." You giggled. "Huh?" Ganyu tilted her head slightly, suddenly gasping and laughing. "Wow, Y/N!" You both giggled.

"Hey." You two heard a man's voice say. You turned your head to see the second boy with purple hair.

"Hi...?" You said, unsure of what to say in this situation.

"HI!" A girl pushed you and Ganyu away. "I'm Ninnguang. I'm rich." She said, giggling when she said rich.

"Nice. Now, can you move your ass?" The purple-haired man said in a monotone voice, obviously not playing around. The teal-haired man was standing there with his hands in his pockets, looking at the sky. You couldn't help but stare, he was so cute!

"I- How dare you talk to nobility like tha-..!" Ningguang was cut off. "I mean it. Move." He said, again. "Move, or I'll push you." You and Ganyu were just standing there in shock at how rude he was. You were still staring at him when Keqing walked up behind you two. The teal-haired suddenly turned towards you, seemingly having noticed that you were staring at him.

Your eyes locked for a second before Scaramouche pushed his way past Ningguang. You were shoved to the side, into Keqing, Ganyu following. "Owch.." You said subtly. The two boys walked past you all and slipped into a nearby classroom.

"How rude.." Ningguang huffed.

"Maybe if you hadn't antagonized him, that wouldn't have happened, rich bitch." Keqing had said. Ganyu immediately turned to her, "That's not nice, Keqing!" She whined.

"O-oh, sorry, Ganyu.." Keqing apologized awkwardly. "I'll be watching you.." She said to Ningguang, grabbing Ganyu's hand and walking away. "See ya, Y/N!" She waved before walking away. "Bye-bye, Y/N!" Ganyu said cheerfully.

"What the fuck was that.." You sighed before turning to walk to your classroom. "Hey.." Ningguang began to say something. "Your friend is rude." She said, annoyingly. "Shut up, rich bitch." You said before strutting away to your classroom. "Ugh..." She scoffed.

As you entered the classroom, you saw the two boys. You paid no mind to them and sat down at a random table.

"Welcome to your class for semester one! My name is Mrs. Lisa, and I will be your supervisor for this first part of the year! If you have any questions, please feel free to come to me! Now, any questions?" Mrs. Lisa asked, looking around the classroom. "No one? Alright then, let's get on to the seating arrangements. Everyone, gather your things and prepare to move! Can I get Diluc here, Ayaka here...." She continued on until it was their turn. "Xiao you're in that corner, Scaramouche, next to him. Could I also get Y/N in that back corner next to them?" She finished.

"Their names are Xiao and Scaramouche? Huh." You whispered under your breath as you walked over to your seat.

"So it's you, is it?" Scaramouche asked. "The one that accompanied the 'rich' woman..?" He picked up a pencil and began to dwindle it.

"No, I'm not that rich bitch's friend- I'm the blue-haired girl's friend." You answered.

"Huh, I didn't notice any girl like that? Must be too lowly for my liking." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. You knew better than to say anything since he thought so highly of himself. "Whatever."

"So your name is Y/N?" Xiao said softly, looking you in the eye. "Yes, that's my name. And you're Xiao?" You smiled at him, ignoring Scaramouche who just scoffed. "I am..." He said quietly, returning to looking out the window. "Alrighty then.." You said awkwardly.

"Will everyone grab a book from the corner of your desk-..."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2023 ⏰

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