One and Only

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What is Gojo Satoru doing at the door of an abandoned building at 3AM?

He is answering the text to the one person that has never evaded his thoughts, of course.

It's pathetic really though.

He wasn't even sent a greeting or a question... no it was just an address. An open invitation that he could easily ignore but, when it's really boiled down, is it so easy for him to do so?

Gojo Satoru surely isn't weak but, when he thinks back to "him," his mind goes blank and his body moves with a sort of muscle memory.


Gojo pushes the old rusty door open, having to brush the specs of dirt and such  on his hand, off onto his jacket.

With the door open, he finds a painfully familiar figure sitting on the floor with an open book in his lap.

"Suguru, why would you call me here a day after declaring war on jujutsu society? I knew you knocked a screw loose after high school but I didn't think you had it in you to become such an idiot."

He gives Gojo a toothless smile. "You got here awfully fast for someone who sounds like they don't want to be here."

"Yeah well when you're best- when you get a text from a number you haven't seen in a decade, you take it seriously."

"All I sent was an address."

"And it led me to you. Anyways have you become suicidal? You've been sentenced to an immediate execution already, are you choosing your executioner as well?

"No Satoru, I don't wish for death. I long for the glory of the world I hope to create and that is reason enough for me to live. No, what I needed you for something far more pressing, see... one of my organization's members had an odd curse living on her. I, of course, offered to get rid of it for her. When I usually consume curses, the only side effect is that awful taste and a lump in my stomach. Alas, I've never encountered a latent technique like this and you being the strongest, I thought would be the most apt to help to me."

"What exactly are you on about? Get to the point before I leave."

Getou walks in closer to Gojo, so much so that they are nearly touching noses. Gojo is now close enough to see the red of his cheeks in this dimly lit place, and feel the oddly intense heat of his body radiating between them.
Getou grabs one of Gojo's clasped hands and spreads it open, leading the palm down to press on his crotch.
Even through his thick robes and decorative coverings, Gojo can feel how hard and heavy Getou's cock is. He isn't sure how the man can bear to even stand in that state.

Still eye to eye, Getou whispers to him "I've never heard of aphrodisiacs as a cursed technique but here I am. And I've tried everything I can think of but the technique won't let up... I can't be satisfied." Getou leans into Gojo's ear. "Only you can help me." Voice thickly laced with desperation.

Nobody knows of the text Suguru had sent and nobody knew Gojo had left to seek him out. There was no one to get angry at him for not killing his best friend and no one to judge him for indulging in his wants.

"Don't expect me to be gentle with you."

"Use me however you want just please, do it now Satoru~"

Gojo grabs Getou by the bun and smashes their lips together. This kiss however, is nothing like the ones they would share back in their high school years. Gone are the second long pecs that  sent sparks through their bodies and left them flushed with embarrassment. Now, their kiss is violent, needy, and selfish. They use each other for the small amount of pleasure they get from it and abuse each other to leave their mark. The kiss is full of teeth and prodding tongues as their hands start pulling off each other's layers of clothes.

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