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Reader's POV》

It was like any normal day for me as I woke up early and got ready for school. As today there was soccer match of our team at the afternoon. After reaching school I got into the class and began to walk towards my desk. After a while friends came and came towards my desk and we started to have our normal conversation.

When I was talking with my friends suddenly some bullies came towards us and started to pushed my friends. They not only pushed but also started to insult them. With a clenched fist I tried to stopped them instead they decide to target me and so they started to hit me.

As soon as they hit me I got into the fight with them. I beat the shit out of those fucking bullies. Then the leader of the bullies came and kicked me on the chest as I skidded across the ground. After I regained my balance we both stared at each other.

After a while both me and the leader of the bullies fought with each other. We both were kicking, and punching each other. We both were going blow for blow. No got the guts to stopped the fight of ours until someone called the Teacher.

After the teachers came they stopped our fight and seprated us from each other. Then after the fight I along with the bullies and their leader were called into the principal's office along with our parents.

As the bullies leader's parents were some rich guys and were feeding money to the school for their funding so all the blame was given to me saying that I was the one who started the fight and I couldn't do or say anything to them for false accusations.

After all even after I told them the truth they won't believe me. After that I went home along with my parents. As soo as I got home with my parents they started to scold me. As I tried to explain them that they were telling the lies and they were the ones who started it but they didn't believe me and called me a liar.

As soon as I heard those words I went to my room and slammed the door very hard. I was angry and sad that even my own parents were calling me liar. After a while I calmed down a little and remembered that today was the day when the final chapter of my hero academia was going to release.

After that I sneakily went outside and bought the manga and then sat at the park and began to read it. After finishing it I just thought overall the story was good but I just hated the way main character acted in the entire story. Caring for others, helping others that's all bull shit nothing more nothing less.

After that I  started to head home while thinking if I was in the place of main lead I would had change the outcome and the whole story. While walking I saw a four year old kid about to get hit by a truck. To save her I jumped at her and pushed her away but I wasn't very lucky and got hit by it.

Before dying my final thought was if only I had power and money I would have paid back at those who had ever wronged me. After that darkness over took me.

After that when I opened my eyes again I see  the blue sky and found out that  I was laying on the ground and when I realised that I suddenly got up and tried to look around my surroundings.

When I got up my whole body ached and stung. When I looked at my body I found out that there were cuts and bruises around my body along with burn scar marks. I thought for a second ( " how did I get here and how did I get these burns and scar marks all over my body? Wasn't I supposed to die as I clearly remembered getting into the accident and most importantly where am i ?)

Too many questions were running through my head when suddenly a someone touched me from behind with a tight grip and told me to

???: " Oe  you really are pathetic you know that right deku? You shouldn't had meddle in our business and stay the way you were like pathetic useless deku you are.

As soon as I heard those words a sudden flash of memories hit me on the head. These memories were of Izuku midoriya. As soon as I comprehend the memories I was shocked to find out that I reincarnated as the main character of my hero academia. The same manga which I had been reading for quite a while.

As soon as I knew that I reincarnated as the mc of the my hero academia many thought run through my heads like.( Before dying didn't I said that if I was mc I would had change the story and outcome. So, did my wish come true. If so then I would live my life to the fullest without any regrets not like my past one . )

As I was in my thought I was voilently broken through my thoughts as the individual who was tightly gripping my shoulder quickly turn me around and punch me on the face. As the punch landed I felt to the ground. Then the said individual spoke.

???: "Don't you dare ignore me you fucking weakling."

As soon as I heard those words I felt rage towards the said person because in my past life I was also bullied at some point and they used to call me weakling. So I quickly got up and kicked him on the chest very hard the said individual went stumbling few meters across the ground.

When I looked at the said individual he was a kid who looked around 10 to 11 and had blonde hair and red eyes. The said kid name was Katsuki bakugo. I was in shock when I look at him and he was also in the shock. Both of us were in shock but for different reasons.

After a few seconds of silent the said blonde growled at me angrily and charged at me. As I took the battle stance and then we both rushed at each other. As soon as his fist was about to connect he let out an explosion which of course I dodged and kneed him in the stomach. Then he felt on his knee touching his stomach gasping for air. As I was very proficient martial artist and a fighter.

In my past life I got bullied at the beginning of the middle school and to stop the bullying I started to take martial arts classes. And when one day I had enough I fought back against my bully and after that continued to get on the fights with other students but soon it turned into thrill.

Right now I am applying all the teaching and knowledge of fighting of my past life in this fight against Katsuki bakugo. As each time he would rush at me with his explosions and fist, I would dodge his every blows and explosion and would rush at him with my own counter attack.

But as my body was of a 10 year old child I couldn't used the fighting techniques efficiently so we were evenly matched. Our battle was dragged for a long time but I defeated him with the final punch at his face and he was down.

As soon as I defeated Katsuki and laid at the ground a orange screen appeared infront of me with a message. The message was as follows:

Ding dong !

Congratulations to the host for fulfilling the requirements for the quest : will of the weak.

For fulfilling the conditions system has been activated.

To be continued...

So what will happen next)

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