A/N: The Rewrite Is FINALLY Here!!

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Hello all! I know I've been kind of absent for a week without any explanation, and I would give you one, but I'm sure you'd much rather have me talk about the rewrite and what's in store for you with this fanfic. So here goes nothing-

First of all, if this is your first time here, hello and welcome! I've been writing The LBV for about four months now (it was my first Sun and Moon x Reader idea). I had gotten about 20k words into it before I decided I didn't like the way it was going - so I scrapped what I had written so far and started over.

That's where this version comes in! There are a few warnings I feel like I should mention, because my last story was extremely lighthearted and I hadn't gotten to the dark themes before I started over. 


There are several mature (and explicit, and spicy) themes talked about, and while Sun and Moon may start off nice and only somewhat unsettling, they turn very sinister, very quickly. Yandere is about manipulation, unhealthy feelings of obsession, and is not all sunshine and rainbows. So please, proceed with caution and understanding that you're going to see some pretty fucked up shit happen to a seemingly harmless reader character without a lot of mental health issues. So the psychological side of it will not be very easy for the reader character to grasp.


I'm not that mean-

So if all of that is still right up your alley, I sincerely hope you enjoy this story! I don't have it on a posting schedule yet, BUT I promise I am writing it when I have the opportunity and I do plan on completing it. 

Also, one last thing to note - I talk and give a lot more updates on my Tumblr (@/kikiwritesfanfic)!! I also have ASKS OPEN for every major character within the story (and myself of course) so if you want to interact with the boys, be sure to pop on over and give them a question!! They'd absolutely appreciate and adore the attention :P

Now, as always, likes, comments, kudos, and reblogs are GREATLY appreciated, and until next time-

Stay sweet, my lovelies~

The Lovebug Virus ~ Yandere! Sun and Moon x Reader ((THE REWRITE IS HERE!!))Where stories live. Discover now