Would you rather (1)

121 2 0

Answer it too, I wanna see y'alls answer.

Would you rather have Matt's number or Carter's oovoo
Matt's number!

Have Cam sing to you, or have 2virgins sing to you?
2virgins bc Taylor 😍😍😍😍

Have a Magcon reunion or when it happend last year be a part of it?

OMG, I guess a Magcon reunion but they are all so big now so Idk tbh

5sos or 1D
5sos defenetly!

Wear Matt's beanies or have careers snap backs?
Beanies Bruh....

Be Shawns everything or be cams side

Shawns everything!

Magcon imagines and prefrencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora